I need some help please.
i followed the instructions but am having problems. When I go to download the .Zip file it says invalid signature. I am getting into CWM as I downloaded Rommanager from the market. Manual wont let me update either.
the one wierd thing is when I connected to Odin it only got as far as connection and then sat there. Never really completed or rebooted my phone? Could this be the problem?
What should I do?
This is all I get from Odin after starting it:
<ID:0/007> Added!
<ID:0/007> Odin v.3 engine (ID:7)
<ID:0/007> File analysis..
<ID:0/007> SetupConnection..
And it sits there!
Go here and follow these instructions...prob be easier and faster than what your doing http://www.droidforums.net/forum/sa...roms-w-root-new-clockwork-updated-2-11-a.html
OK, but all the links are disabled or something? Like the one says downlaod update.zip here....Nothing????
also My phone was working last night and I turned it off to charge and now I get no network connection for cell service and it tells me I need a SIM card???? these phones dont take SIM cards????
AHH so much for this being easy! And I work in a HW lab so I am used to flashing FW and OS.
Any help would be greatly apprectaited. I m ight have to just brick it up to experience and get something that actually runs froyo...