im not trying to hi-jack any conversation right now, but im trying to do the "finer volume adjustment" mod, and im having difficulty.
i have the framework.jar file opened, and i have the appropriate file inside that opened. i am having difficulties trying to find the proper line to edit. i am trying to follow
this guide, but no avail yet.
any idea which exact line i have to edit, because i have been searching for a while, and cannot find remotely what he is talking about in the screenshot.
thank you for the ROM, it is wonderful!
EDIT: i did figure it out, the directions got a little bit confusing.
i highly recommend this mod to anybody though, it creates finer steps in the volume control...instead of 15 steps between min-max volume, i now have 40. (you can choose which profiles you wish to edit also, media, notifications, system, ringer, voice, etc.