If this truly comes to pass:
Microsoft assimilates Flash in Metro's IE10 - Computerworld
I will never get an android tablet with ICS, Jelly Bean or anything else. I'll simply use my android phone as a wifi hotspot and connect my new MS Surface Tablet to it when I'm on the road. I'm still annoyed
that I had a fully functional, flash capable, rock solid phone before the "new" and "improved" update took away a key function of my phone and essentially downgraded it.
And before you fanbois pipe in about how great ICS is and how your phone doesn't have any problems since the update, the fact remains that a significant number of us do consider this "update" to be a major downgrade in certain key areas, most notably Flash video. At the very least Motorola should allow us to unlock the bootloader so we can downgrade the phone ourselves back to GB.