No way to avoid it afaik. It's a slippery slope they're going down, so they'll have something to protect themselves. For you, I would say that the control you'll be handing over to them is excessive and I wouldn't do it. I experienced this once in my life...never again.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
i'm currently pushing back with having no problem whatsoever with them having the ability to encrypt/wipe their own data (write their own app for the email client if needs be; they have devs on staff), but unless they back off on the phone wide privileges, i refuse to access email through the ActiveSync... may cost me my job... :-(
they didn't like my answer of accessing via the web browser because
#1: i have to actively check for new messages rather than be automatically alerted
#2: they can't wipe the corporate data from the cache if the phone is lost
#3: the browser lets me save my password
--- Rakasa