I can certainly understand your pov, but it doesn't bother me. I currently have 110 apps on my device, 65 of which are waiting to be updated. Almost half of those are system apps like Gmail, Hangouts, YouTube etc.I dumped ES last time we talking about this and went back to Astro.
Just like Jonny I used it daily in the 'old' days...not so much anymore.
I have like 130 apps on my phone.I'm not dealing with that manually. If someone puts out an update I don't like, I just move on to something else. Pretty easy nowadays with the robust ecosystem we have today.
The way I see it is: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I'll go into the Play Store if I'm bored or watching tv and scroll through a few apps at a time. If an update looks like it's worth my time I'll take it. Otherwise I'll leave it alone. It's saved me from losing, or having to switch out many a decent app.
S5 tap'n