ESPN Sportscenter App

Please everyone keep emailing ESPN and let them know how anxious we all are. They told me they are working on one, but there is no timetable for a release as of now. Just don't hope and wait. Email em!

what email address did you email them at.

i will write up a stock email we could all send them once i have the email address to get to the developers
Please everyone keep emailing ESPN and let them know how anxious we all are. They told me they are working on one, but there is no timetable for a release as of now. Just don't hope and wait. Email em!

what email address did you email them at.

i will write up a stock email we could all send them once i have the email address to get to the developers

I am an ESPN member (it is free) and emailed them through the customer care link, so you can sign up for free online and do that because your info is auto populated in the customer care email template OR you could call customer care at 888-549-3776
Please everyone keep emailing ESPN and let them know how anxious we all are. They told me they are working on one, but there is no timetable for a release as of now. Just don't hope and wait. Email em!

what email address did you email them at.

i will write up a stock email we could all send:) them once i have the email address to get to the developers

I am an ESPN member (it is free) and emailed them through the customer care link, so you can sign up for free online and do that because your info is auto populated in the customer care email template OR you could call customer care at 888-549-3776

thanks a lot for this. going to go email then asap.
I emailed them with all 6 of my email accounts, lets see if they respond to any of them. LOL
Just sent my email in as well. I'd love to get this thread really going and link ESPN to it to show them our need for an ESPN app!
everyone start posting on here what you would like to send to espn, then after it gets up enough support i will send this to ESPN through my account
everyone start posting on here what you would like to send to espn, then after it gets up enough support i will send this to ESPN through my account

We need something that handles sports better, but I would actually prefer something like the ESPNMVP that I had on my ENV Touch. Why can't we get this for the Android?
just go to

If you've ever used the ESPN app on an iphone, you'd realize how much nicer it is then having to go to the ESPN mobile site and click around 8 different screens just to find game times/scores/etc

Yes, it's nice, but SLOW as hell. I can log into faster on my old iphone 3G. That app was worthless when I had 4 bars of 3G. I replaced the iphone 3 times and all 3 times it loaded slow. By slow, I mean over a minute to open.
I find myself grabbing my girlfriend's Iphone just so I can check her ESPN app. So much easier than trying to navigate to my favorites on my Droid browser. My eyes are getting old. It is too hard to read all that on the Droid. Got to have the app and especially ESPN radio.

i wouldnt even know who to email to see any progress on it

i went to the itunes app store
and went to the scorercenter app and clicked contact creator or something and basically told them that they shuld start looking into the android platform

it prob will do no good but hey if i dont do it than who will lol
I honestly just take any legit sports app from espn

there is nothing good on the market for sports

ESPN would dominate it probably like usual :icon_ banana: