Exactly. That's why it bothers me that certain sites report when the insurance companies are out of a certain phone.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
No, my phone is actually broken, but I can hold off until the D3 comes.
Exactly. That's why it bothers me that certain sites report when the insurance companies are out of a certain phone.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Well i just turned my og droid in for warranty replacement to assurion and they sent me a brand new Droid 2 Global as of Thursday. Once i saw i could get cyanogenmod on here i had to finally part ways with my og and now i have a brand new phone running exactly like my old one with more memory and speed... i figure ill keep this for 6 months do another warranty replacement get a new d2g if they arent giving out d3's by then and then in another 6 months or more they should be giving me a brand new d3.... im not saying what im doing is right but they get me for every penny they can so i intend to do the same lol
Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk
Did you replace under Verizon insurance?
My Droid 2 Global now has a problem where the bottom of the screen has some kind of material that appears to be swelling up and covering some of the pixels.
Droid 3 or not, I really might have to replace it soon.
Sent from my Droid 2 Global via Tapatalk.
Guys, I've made 5 (yes, FIVE) warranty claims in the last year on my D2G. Yep, I'm on number 6. Every time, Asurion was helpful, polite, and overnighted me a brand new (NOT CLNR) D2G. Actually, I take that back, they mailed me ONE, but when I complained about the quality (it had a HUGE gap between the keyboard and screen), they mailed me another brand new D2G the next day. They have never even MENTIONED the POSSIBILITY of cutting off my insurance. (Note: they were all legit claims.... I break things. =( )
It's still going to be a while on this. I just contacted Asurion today because the brand new R2D2 Droid they sent me back in January finally crapped out. Lost all data connectivity. They went through troubleshooting, and are sending me a D2G tomorrow. They obviously still have them in stock. I even had the choice between black and white (chose black, duh)