Exchange Server - I have everything set up fine with my Corporate exchange. emails, calender and contacts. I can't seem to get the items I send via Outlook (on my corporate account) to show up as sent items on the Droid. Any ideas?
How did you get exchange to work ?
I tried a number of times and then I tried Evolution on my Linux notebook that worked the first time.
What's the magic handshake ?
ADD: I need to add more detail as I noticed some interesting things.
I was trying to access a system that has a longer domain name ie the exchange server is at (altered text but you get the idea)...
When it failed, and I looked back at the server section, the /exchange/ part had been removed.
Conversely, I had to add http:// to get it to work with Evolution.
So I wonder if Droid/android doesn't like the longer Domain path ?
Its interesting that Evolution wants the http:// whereas all the directions for Droid/Android show the domain path omitting it. (yes, I tried adding it as a test)
I'm going to try and get to the Android dev forum to see if there is any significance to this.
Of course, if anyone already has access there, maybe they can help.