Exciting Stuff Coming Today: Unboxing and Full Review of the Motorola Droid 4


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

As if the picture above isn't a big enough hint, your staff at DroidForums.net scored a brand spanking new Motorola Droid 4! CK and I are going to be bringing you an unboxing and full review of the slide-out QWERTY keyboard enabled 4G LTE device later on today! For all discussions on the Droid 4, be sure to check out the Droid 4 Forum!
Hey dg and CK I'll have it when you are done LOL!

Can't wait for the exclusive unboxing! Thanks guys!
Don't install leaks or delete bloatware on your Motorola phone, let me tell you that much. You will be spending hours with rsd lite trying to get your phone back on the update path when the next update comes out. I wish nothing but the worst upon Motorola :mad:
Hey dg and CK I'll have it when you are done LOL!

Can't wait for the exclusive unboxing! Thanks guys!

I think you'll have to pry it from our "cold dead hands"! We are already fighting over it in the office. Maybe when the dust settles you can swoop in and "vultch" it. LOL

Seriously though... we are excited to be sharing an exclusive with you guys today!
Been thinking of gettiing the D3 when the price drops, but looking at the D4, hmmm?
Droid 3 is free at a lot online websites just look around. It's a good buy if you won't get 4G in your area for a while.

Sent from my GalaxyNexus using DroidForums
Yea I know but my update is not up till first week of April, :frown:
I am kind of wishing I had waited for the 4. It looks sweet. I am not one of those that has to have a keyboard, in fact I probably wouldn't use it all that much but having it and not needing it is better than not having it.

That thing look sweet!
I am kind of wishing I had waited for the 4. It looks sweet. I am not one of those that has to have a keyboard, in fact I probably wouldn't use it all that much but having it and not needing it is better than not having it.

That thing look sweet!

That's why I like a physical keyboard phone. I hardly use mine on my D1, but when I do, I love it.
Don't get too excited, the Droid 5 will be out in April. ;)

Actually people are spreading rumors about a d4maxx, which would be out in April, then the DE version which would be out in June. So the D5 will be August or later....
IF there is a d4maxx, etc. These "rumors" came out because it's the razr with a keyboard and so, why wouldn't Moto do the same line up.

Besides ins't the Galaxy SIII "rumored" to come out in April/May? And other phones would be out that would have better specs. So Moto would be a fool to release any other D4 version. Or a D5 that didn't make the grade. But... who knows...

But I'm not waiting.dancedroid
Don't install leaks or delete bloatware on your Motorola phone, let me tell you that much. You will be spending hours with rsd lite trying to get your phone back on the update path when the next update comes out. I wish nothing but the worst upon Motorola :mad:

Wishing "nothing but the worst upon" anyone is frowned upon both here and in society in general. Please refrain and if you must - keep your ill wishes directed at yourself. :mad:

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
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Actually people are spreading rumors about a d4maxx, which would be out in April, then the DE version which would be out in June. So the D5 will be August or later....
IF there is a d4maxx, etc. These "rumors" came out because it's the razr with a keyboard and so, why wouldn't Moto do the same line up.

Besides ins't the Galaxy SIII "rumored" to come out in April/May? And other phones would be out that would have better specs. So Moto would be a fool to release any other D4 version. Or a D5 that didn't make the grade. But... who knows...

But I'm not waiting.dancedroid

This is the part that really upsets me. Just because it has the same CPU and amount of RAM doesn't mean its the same phone. Now if you could swap the PCB from a D4 into a RAZR(And vice versa) then I would buy it. The reality is that the D4 is an upgraded D3 that HAPPENS to have the same CPU, wireless chipset, and amount of RAM as the RAZR.
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