Firstly Bodybagz read the full thread and you might get the gist secondly never at any point did I state declare or insinuate that the D1 is faster or better. Again read the thread. What I do say is that in term of what was available back then in comparison to what is available now the D1 back then was head and shoulders above any thing on the market (an awesome buy for your dollar)! Now it's ONLY claimed to fame is that it has a slide out keyboard! As far as big red or moto not sheading a tear, true enough. But as you must have missed because you chose not to understand that if enough people do take a stand and voice their opinions big red and others will take notice and YES, even change their ways and policies as exhibited by their recent reversal on their payment charge! As far as your analogy that cars are simply transportation to get from point to point this is true enough as such we all only then need one type of phone made by one manufacturer to make calls and maybe you could even make an argument access the internet so we all then souuld be limited to the iPhone 1 or the. D1! So let me ask you this? What piece of crap did you then frivolously spend too much money on!? As this argument of yours goes I'm then quite frugal choosing to not upgrade on extra crap that I'd have paid entirely too much for!

So in accordance with your analogy you shouldn't feel sorry for me. Again read the thread through and maybe next time don't make a self defeating argument /analogy. My D1 may not look like much kid, but she's got it where it counts!dancedroid
I will reply a last time, and then go my merry way...
Ummm, I did read the entire would be counter-productive to not do so and then respond to a single out-of-context reply. My original reply was a reply to multiple replies you had previously made..starting with this one --->, because you seem to be quite twisted over what
you personally conceive to be a failure by Moto to provide what
you personally think is a good/great/comparable successor to one of their many devices.
What you fail to understand concerning Verizon reneging on their proposed $2.00 fees, is that
that concerned every paying customer of a mobile device on The Verizon Network, while an individual phone on said network does not comprise the same number of people, therefore will not carry the same weight! Same thing for Motorola...D1 users vs Droid X, Droid X2, Droid 2 and even Droid 3 users are just customers of the one Network...what about any and all other networks that dont have "Droid" lines of product...still just a small drip in a large bucket overall. Think I`m lying, just look at the oveerwhelming success of the "Motorola Unlock Bootloader Petition"...plenty of signatures, but just an inkling of the numbers that actually own a Moto phone...and still the bootloaders are locked except for the D1 and the Xoom.
Fact is, and I would still beat a $1.00 to a hole in a doughnut that the vast majority of Verizons users of slider-based smartphones would in fact agree that the D4 is miles ahead of the D1 in every aspect albeit 1...and thats the 1 that they are most likely not to care about, the locked bootloader of the D4..because the majority of customers dont have a clue or are completely unaware of what a locked vs unlocked bootloader is...these forums can lmost prove that for you daily...
The sliding keyboard on the D4 is a great selling point for Moto and Verizon...what other 4G LTE phone on Verizon has this key feature, with the proven build quality, call quality and pure slickness? The fact that it is basically a Razr with a Slide keyboard is awesome for someone still rocking an out of date, barely hanging on D1..sorry if thats not you, but it is a lot more than you, and thats who Moto/Verizon are looking to sell to.
I didnt go broke when I upgraded my last phone, a Verizon branded HTC Touch, to the Droid X...I too am frugal, and play my upgrades accordingly, and thus scored my Droid X, the flagship device at the time, for the princely sum of $99.00 with free shipping from VZW! This was a hell of an upgrade from the HTC in every way...and guess what, it still does exactly what I wanted it to do when I bought it, therefore I see no reason to upgrade to any other "new bad-a$$, Johnny-come-lately" device...nor do I feel like you that Moto "owes" me anything. You want to gripe about Moto and their practices, why not jump them for the Droid X2 debacle...and then I will bash with you..
In the end, vote with your wallet..see what happens...maybe you get proven righteous...but I wouldnt be betting the house on it...
BTW, thanks for the "kid"...been a good 30 years since I was called kid...