QUESTION: How many times has Google introduced a MAJOR upgrade for Android where a Nexus or Google Experience device was not released within 10 days of the SDK?
2.0 SDK - OCTOBER 26, 2009 DEVICE - Motorola Droid (released - OCTOBER 17,2009)
2.1 SDK - JANUARY 12, 2010 DEVICE - HTC Nexus One (released January 5, 2010)
2.3 SDK - DECEMBER 6, 2010 DEVICE - Samsung Nexus S (released - December 16, 2010)
3.0 SDK - FEBRUARY 22,2011 DEVICE - Motorola Xoom (released - February 24, 2011)
This gives us two situations: One is that VZW will once again NOT be getting a Nexus device: or that VZW will be getting a Nexus device but with a different name and probably not vanilla Android.