Facebook Sync on LibertyGB0.5


Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
So I have the accounts menu open...in settings.

And it shows Facebook twice.

I assume one is the Blur Facebook and one is the Application.

The problem is...
The Blur Facebook won't let me log out or select it or do anything with it.
It says something about only allowing one facebook account at once.
I've tried removing the "Facebook for android" app and logging out...to no avail. It won't let me touch it.

The Facebook Application...seems to think I'm syncinc through blur facebook...
As the "other" options (where you'd select "sync contacts") isn't showing up.

Any ideas?
Moto somehow removed the facebook sync ability in the GB rom. I don't know if it will ever make a return. Its a show stopper for me...
So while I was sleeping...my contacts synced. So I'm happy.
How about quick upload now? That doesn't seem to work. No notification or anything...just says it's going to upload and never does.
I had the FB sync problem before. Stupid account just does not like to work right.

I found the solution when I wiped data and re-flashed LGB .5, go straight into Liberty Customizer and install Facebook from the list when given the option. Even without "Facebook for Android" installed, you can add a FB account and sync your contacts.