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Farewell to the Droid and the forum.

Hello, I didn't post much here, but after 4 droids with all different issues from faulty phone internals, 2.1 bugs, dropped calls, random restarts and many other issues I have made an agreement with VZW where I avoided an early termination fee and gettig another 'like new' droid phone.

VZW fumbled my address for the third phone and didn't send it right away leaving me with 4 days without a working phone.

Anyway, they made me a deal and I had a choice of three phones which were free and no charge for the battery. I had the choice of a Droid Eris, an LG of some kind and a Blackberry Storm 2.

I took the Storm 2 4 days ago and see the differences right away, I will miss the crazy app numbers and speed of the droid along with the turn by turn maps, but the email push is highly important to me and this is what Blackberry is king of, it works great and many apps availible in the droid market are also available for the Storm too.

the browser is nowhere near the speed or technology of the droid, but for the sake of having a working phone, I am not here to compare handsets, i just refused to drop the droid for some refurbished phone or a phone at retail.

This forum is great and I learned alot about how to fix bugs, use great apps and make the most of the phone when it worked for me.

Thanks for the help, maybe in the future, i'll have an android phone, its still the most open and fastest OS out and will be for years to come it seems.

sorry you had issues but ya should have visited crackberry . com and learned of the 1000's of issues with the storm 2... i had one and had more issues than carter has pills
good luck
you want to avoid issues and bugs and you decided you would get a storm to fix that? Thats like having sex to avoid pregnancy...good luck
you want to avoid issues and bugs and you decided you would get a storm to fix that? Thats like having sex to avoid pregnancy...good luck

lol QFT. I dont get ppl and the "I dont want a referb phone..wahh wahh wahh". They are perfectly fine and yes some have issues...but even brand spanking new phones will have issues sometimes. Its not any different. Ppl are just funny sometimes.
Dumb mistake, go back to the droid dude
I had the BB Storm 1
Yeah it was cool for a day but in reality as much as you wont admit it its a POS
I didn't know I was going to get this deal, I do not want to keep getting phones constantly after the last replacement phone would not turn on a day and a half after I got it.

I made a quick decision on the phone, was planning to walk out of vzw so considering the choices, I think I made a good one. the Droid Eris is no great invention either, it's on it's way out.

after 6 visits to the local store over 2 weeks, 2 replacement phones within 9 days and 8 calls to tech support as the employees saw on record, I think i got a fair deal instead of being out of whatever the early termination fee was and a phone.

It's a phone in the end, a phone doesn't define it's user unless the user becomes immersed in it. In this case, it was more of a motorola or phone issue than 2.1 or android although not having constant force closes and non responses is nice.
Hey if hes happy with it then thats all that matters, as been said here countless times by countless people, to each their own .. :)
You shouldn't have had an ETF for switching to another smart phone within your verizon plan I would think. I believe that if you terminate your contract and you have a smart phone, then you would have an ETF. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Good luck with your storm and I hope you enjoy it.
Truth is that the Droid just isn't for everybody. And this is not the first person I've seen go to a Storm from a Droid. Many people in Crackberry will tell you the same thing, they just enjoy the Blackberry experience more.

Good luck with your Storm OP, I hope you at least got the Storm 2 not the Storm. I had both and Storm 2 was definitely better then the original Storm.
I just have a hard time swallowing 4 phones with issues. Sorry. That's the skeptic in me. In any case have fun with the Storm 2, you'll be back to a Droid in NO time.