The new update:
New Features:
- Showcase:
Increased the number of types of news
User Photos in the News
News and news in detail horizontal view
Color identification for each type of news
Added Groups (Reading, Comment, Like, Share)
HD Images
PinchToZoom on Pictures and news
Possibility of removing "Likes" by a news
Added New Chat system
Added list online / offline Friends
Real-time notification in the chat with multiple users simultaneously (no background)
Added search form for Friends in chat
Friends List expandable and reducible
Chat also in horizontal
Optimized scrolling speed of Buddy List
Quick Search form
Cover photos and friends time line
Login / Logout
Added menu backgrounds
Performance settings added (Ability to change the performance settings and option to free up cache)
-Image Gallery:
Added Albums
Added comments displayed for each image
PinchToZoom on each individual photo
-Private Messages:
List messages with details of the person you contacted
Easy searching of the person that you want to contact
Possibility to send private messages directly from your profile page
Optimized loading speed
Optimized pagination News
Optimized the update rate Notifications
Optimized speed of loading images
Optimized search speed
Fixed all the bugs found
Added possibility to open notifications in Groups
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