HaHaHaHaHa.... that was kinda funny and amusing......
Unzip the ROM,
extract the framework-res.apk and unzip,
copy and paste all images (most likely multiple copy&pastes),
rezip the framework-res,
rename it to .apk, copy back to ROM and overwrite...
Hey, I can make that look like 5 steps also......
but... multiply that by the number of times you change your ROM...
Anyways... this is useLESS dribble now... I'm sure he can think for himself...
One question... what if he decides after flashing the new ROM, he wants to add a couple more custom icons... then what??... he should pull the framewortk again?
ummmm.. you're making it look like 5 steps because you're doing unnecessary things. you don't need to unzip framework res, you dont even need to extract it out. you can open up the rom zip, navigate to the correct locations and drag the files in, no renaming, no zipping or unzipping, no copying/pasting. guess you don't know how winrar or 7zip work....
you keep saying "multiple copy/pastes", its just the action of dragging a file, not copying and pasting. the same way you would have to consolidate these files to create a MM pkg.
the difference btw what you just did and what I said is that I didn't mention anything unecessary in the above post.
if he decides he wants to add more custom icons, he can just add them to the new rom and reflash it, without losing anything since he doesn't have to wipe data/cache. same thing as making a new custom package with MM and then having to apply that, except you again don't have to rely on an extra third party program on your phone. and you again will already have these changes applied next time you factory reset. can't say the same for the MM method.
im glad that you find me proving you wrong amusing. let me know if you want me to amuse you on other subjects....
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