Having to reboot after changing status bar colors is normal, it is not an on the fly change.
I'm on 2.0.2 now, very nice, but I also got the FC on trying to check/uncheck the power % option. In itself no biggie, I leave it on anyways.
I've had no other issues with it so far, market, mms, video, all good. GB KB installed with no issues as well, no predictive text issues either.
Like Tank's BB mod, took the 3G icons I had made and stuck them in, plus the fly in effect for the status bar, and I'm gold. I plan on porting my GPS icons over later, still looking at the initial images associated with the pull down widget itself.
(note to Tank, to me it seems the upper light gray stops a bit high on it, you get a light gray, then a strip of dark grey, then the actual green line of the control state for each. Can that light gray "strip" be removed? Just PM me ...)