First Ads Appear for the Moto X

cereal killer

Staff member
Oct 29, 2009
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Austin, TX
Current Phone Model
Nokia Lumia Icon

Here's a quick look at two ads showing how Motorola is planning on advertising their newest Golden Child. The first ad dubbed "Quick Draw", shows off the handsets Quick Capture camera feature. With a flick of the wrist, the X can go from sleep to snapping a picture in just a couple of seconds. The second ad, “Always Ready” (below), showcases the device’s Touchless Controls, with a drowsy (maybe hungover?) guy asking Google Now to remind him to buy more coffee and to wake him up in 20 minutes all without touching the phone. Simple, straightforward and to the point. Effective enough to get consumers to open their wallets? Let us know what you think.


Via: Moto X Forums
Wonder if any other existing phones (or ROMS) will get the wake up ability with Ok Google Now command.
Good Commercials. Nice and Simple, but more importantly it demonstrates practical uses for the unique features of the phone. Doesn't hurt that the phone looks nice and offers a choice of colors too.

What's interesting is how sensible the commercial for the Moto x is versus the nonsense that droids typically showcase; Secret agents, bombs, flying phones, super humans, etc.
My only issue with the "ok google now" ad is that when I first wake up I doubt I'll be speaking loud enough or clearly enough for the phone to understand me. :crazy:
The "Shake to snap a pic"... really? What a lame gimmick. Like you won't be turning that feature off after a week because it is going to flip into Camera mode accidentally a lot.
The "Shake to snap a pic"... really? What a lame gimmick. Like you won't be turning that feature off after a week because it is going to flip into Camera mode accidentally a lot.

From what I've seen one needs to shake it twice relatively vigorous. So much so that it doesn't work all the time.
And in a week there will be an app that does that on the market. I still think it's a bit lame. Certainly nothing that is going to make more then a few people say "Wow, I have to have that phone!!!".
Eh... I guess it's cool that it is going to be so much faster then me sliding my thumb on my lockscreen to the camera icon. :rolleyes:
And in a week there will be an app that does that on the market. I still think it's a bit lame. Certainly nothing that is going to make more then a few people say "Wow, I have to have that phone!!!".
Eh... I guess it's cool that it is going to be so much faster then me sliding my thumb on my lockscreen to the camera icon. :rolleyes:
Yeah, probably not much good if you have you phone locked with a password either.
Would also be nice to more about the phone. Is this a new model all together (Moto X), or is it just an new version of a model that's been out for a while?
Any ideas on why AT&T got an exclusive on customizable Moto X for the time being? What a let down!

Probably because VZW figures most people don't care about choosing a color for the backplate, and AT&T is doing all it can to keep up with VZW.
The "Shake to snap a pic"... really? What a lame gimmick. Like you won't be turning that feature off after a week because it is going to flip into Camera mode accidentally a lot.

The way this function is used might seem lame though it can be very interesting.
I remember looking for an app some years ago that could load when the screen was tapped twice (such as a voice recorder when your device is in your pocket).
What the video shows is an example, if it can be customized you could probably do a few very interesting things
Motogoogle's not getting a damned penny from me unless they pull their collective head from butt and bring back SD storage. There was no need to delete it, except to emulate Apple (gag).