But the reality is we know that is just not going to happen so we are going to try and help you avoid train wrecking your 2015
fitness goals 2 months in.
- Drink lots of water starting now. Staying hydrated with water helps your entire body perform to its peak as well as keeping things circulating to flush out the junk.
- Fat free, gluten free, all natural, baked, and "less" does not mean you can eat more. Majority of those labels are designed to fool american into believing it is healthier so it is ok to eat more. The reality is that most are actually worse than their counterpart because they are loaded with more sugar to help with the taste. The goal is to stay away from junk food period but if you choose to partake consume less and keep track of how much you are eating. With all the hoopla going it will be real easy to lose track of how many chips you have eaten and carbonated drinks consumed and before you know it you consumed 2400 calories in a 4 hour period.
- Some fruit but more vegetables: Fruits are good but vegetables are even better as fruit also contain sugar. Though the fiber in the fruit offset the sugar rush, if you are trying to lose weight that giant bowl of fruit can slow down your progress. But the giant bowl of fruit would still be miles better than the bags of chips and cookies.
- Do not skip any meals: The first thing dieters think of when knowing they are about to go to a setting where there will be lots of food is to not eat anything until that point. That does more to hurt than to help. Starving yourself causes your metabolism to slows down, and a slow metabolism with a giant sugar rush puts your pancreas in overdrive trying to compensate and as a result it produces more fat versus a metabolism that is at its peak.
You have been doing good up until this point do not allow a 4 hour event to send you spiraling out of control. Be wise and remember how hard you had to work to get to the point that you are at and last you want is to go backwards.
Featured App: We are adding a new wrinkle to our fitness threads. Fitness is now a part of our lives and so is android, well it has been long overdue for us to highlight apps that can help you along with this process. I am going to start it off with an app by bodybuilder.com.
Body Space is an app that helps you keep track of your fitness goals, motivate others, as well as order supplements to help you with your progress. The app is free in the Play store so give it a try and tell us what you think.