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For the love of the gods someone find a way to kill the bloatware.

[URL="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/members/arachnidus.html said:
Arachnidus[/URL], post: 750468"]
As much as I appreciate it, yes, we know. This isn't about Blur, it's about the clutterware in general. It makes no difference whether it's hidden or not, it's still there.

This. I want to get rid of the stupid crap on the device I paid for.
Life's full of stupid crap. As long as it doesn't burn battery life I don't much care about it.

Me, I'd like to 86 the Blockbuster app just because I despise the company. Is that enough to get worked up about? Not really...
it is all FoistWare!

I'm not so concerned about pre-installed apps as long as they don't run without asking me. CityID is what really pisses me off because it runs without my permission, can't be uninstalled, and when the "free trial" expiration notice pops-up you can either succumb and pay the $1.99 to subscribe to the pointless P.O.S. service that it is or 'Extend' the free trial. Why would I pay or extend something I don't want?!

This is a prime example of foistware and Verizon, Google, Motorola should shamed :icon_evil:. We pay good money for these phones and should be able to control all aspects of its use, that includes deleting unwanted pre-installed software. Problem is the developers of said software pays more money to be able to foist this crap on us.
I'm not so concerned about pre-installed apps as long as they don't run without asking me. CityID is what really pisses me off because it runs without my permission, can't be uninstalled, and when the "free trial" expiration notice pops-up you can either succumb and pay the $1.99 to subscribe to the pointless P.O.S. service that it is or 'Extend' the free trial. Why would I pay or extend something I don't want?!

This is a prime example of foistware and Verizon, Google, Motorola should shamed :icon_evil:. We pay good money for these phones and should be able to control all aspects of its use, that includes deleting unwanted pre-installed software. Problem is the developers of said software pays more money to be able to foist this crap on us.

Hah! Thirty seconds with Google .... and .... City ID is a product of CEQUINT, and they brag about how many handsets they are installed on.

Cequint | The Answer to Who is Calling

They have a Contact Us page ... I think everyone who hates City ID should contact them and ask for a way to remove their crappy bloatware from their phones.

Cequint Incorporated
1011 Western Avenue Suite 800
Seattle, Washington 98104

Phone 206.264.1909
Fax 206.299.9127

General Inquiries

Customer Support

Thanks ShinySideup...


This FAQ states that it does not run in the background and quits after it is queried by an incoming or outgoing call. But (quote) "Many devices leave City ID in memory (similar to other applications) until the handset requires memory for another task. Althought City ID is in memory, it is not running. There is no need to use a task killer to shut it down since it is not running, not using any CPU time and not blocking any other apllication from claiming its memory."

That is funny, my Droid2 clearly shows City ID listed under the "Running" tab after a call comes. (I force stopped it, then called my own cellphone to see what it does)

I DON'T CARE what they claim!!! I don't want it, didn't ask for it, and don't need it, so get it off of MY phone. It takes up 160KB of physical space for the app and after it processes a call it takes up an additional ~350KB for its database.

Blockbluster foistware takes 396KB
Amazon MP3 takes 452KB.
Kindle taks 1.73MB (wtf?!)
Skype mobile takes 376KB

That is 3114KB of physical memory space I could use for stuff that I WANT and take the time to download for myself.

How about if the cellphone provider gives you an option when you buy the phone if you want to have a pre-installed bundle of applications 'we think you might want because we get paid if you do'? At least then it is our choice!
Don't hope for Verizon to give us a choice. It's the rooters, modders and hackers that will blaze the trail. Big red wants money. If it wasn't for the cancellation fees, I'd seriously drop Verizon and go to sprint for an Epic.
CityID and Blockbuster

Those are the only 2 I don't use. I would hope that after the trial is over, you can remove it but it sounds like that hope has been dashed. 2 dollars a freaking month for CityID? No way Verizon and Cequint!
My wife's D2 kills a battery from 100% to 15% in about 4 hours with minimal use. Could the bloatware be causing this? I removed all the widgets and i ddidn't have ADK installed because of the trouble it supposed to cause. When she called VZW yesterday the tech said it was a must, which I disagree with. Also last week there was an update for the D2 and i installed it. Tech said he had no clue what updated i was talking about. So he had her install ADK and this morning her battery is almost dead again afafter just 4 hours. Please help.
The bloatware we're talking about wouldn't kill battery life (ok well except for the Blockbuster app).

I'll post in another thread, but I think a prime reason the D2 battery life is crap sometimes is: Motorola Blur Widgets. Look in Battery Manager. At least a couple times, this Moto service had higher usage than THE SCREEN!

My wife's D2 kills a battery from 100% to 15% in about 4 hours with minimal use. Could the bloatware be causing this? I removed all the widgets and i ddidn't have ADK installed because of the trouble it supposed to cause. When she called VZW yesterday the tech said it was a must, which I disagree with. Also last week there was an update for the D2 and i installed it. Tech said he had no clue what updated i was talking about. So he had her install ADK and this morning her battery is almost dead again afafter just 4 hours. Please help.
I fully agree, i wish someone would file a class action to get it removed(i would support it), i want the raw uncut unaltered Android 2.2 on my phone when i buy it. Then you can put your moto crap on the website or market and if people want it they can download it. All they are doing with this bloatware is slowing down, taking up space and completly screwing up the awesome hardware that is there. If i was the lead engineer on the Droid X i would be PO'ed. All that hard work to be smacked in the face by crap software.

MOTOROLA/VERIZON if your listening give us the option. This stuff is terrible.
I just got my D2 less than two weeks ago and my girlfriend just got the HTC Desire (pretty much a Nexus One with HTC Sense). If I go into Applications --> Running Services on my phone, there are 6-8 complete bull**** Motorola services running. Worse, if I go to the battery manager, it is perfectly clear that they are sucking down a ton a battery juice.

If I do the same thing on my girlfriend's Desire, there are a TOTAL of 3-4 services running and they are normal services that need to be there. I am convinced that if we can get a Cyanogen rom or any other Vanilla FroYo rom, this phone's performance is going to be much improved. Motorola really neutered this phone will all of its BS and it's plain to see -- my girlfriends Desire is buttery smooth (we're talking iPhone smooth, the way it should be) at all times. Part of that is probably the Snapdragon, BUT if I go into my phone and kill all of the garbage Motorola services temporarily, it is instantly much snappier for the time being.
It's going to take some time, I think it will be totally worth it though. I personally can't wait for Sapphire to come to D2, that rom single handedly had me holding my d1 and d2 next to each other debating whether to make the switch or not. The d1 was just incredibly smooth for me running it and the ultimate decisionmaker was the fact i knew it would come to d2 eventually so i might as well embrace the new hardware and wait for the time to come when i put a rom on it.
My wife's D2 kills a battery from 100% to 15% in about 4 hours with minimal use. Could the bloatware be causing this? I removed all the widgets and i ddidn't have ADK installed because of the trouble it supposed to cause. When she called VZW yesterday the tech said it was a must, which I disagree with. Also last week there was an update for the D2 and i installed it. Tech said he had no clue what updated i was talking about. So he had her install ADK and this morning her battery is almost dead again afafter just 4 hours. Please help.

My D2 had **** battery life when I got it as well, I look around online a lot and the solution I found was to do a factory reset of the phone. That fixed mine, though my battery life was not that low to begin with. If it doesn't work, I'd recommend a replacement.
I Used Titanium Backup To Remove Bloat.

It's so frustrating to have all this crap on my phone. BLUR is bad enough, but I feel like the D2 is anchored down. Anybody know of any way to get rid of the bloatware before we get rooting down?

Once you have root you can use titanium backup to remove all of the Bloatware. Just make sure and back everything up first. Just in case it causes any unwanted results.

