Have I got a story for you! So I was an idiot and left my droid on top of my Ford Fusion and starting driving. Normally I'm extremely careful with my electronics, but I just forgot to grab it. Anyway so I was driving 65 down a 55 (cause I'm a badass) and a semi passes me. And you know how the draft a semi gives off pulls things towards it? Well it lifted my phone right off my car and slamed right into the semi, then it slammed into the ground going 65 mph. Then, to make things even more awesome *sarcasm*, a car ran it over. I thought "Well its definitely broken" I didn't even question the posibility that it would be remotly in tact. MAN WAS I WRONG. When I walked over in sorrow to my phone, I was surprised to see the whole thing completely intact. It only has a scuff mark on the top right and bottom left, and the screen is completely fine. The battery just fell out. And I typed this entire post on it. Moral of the story? Next time you drop your droid, don't sweat it. Haha