I was on froyo DAS BAMF remix 1.6.3. I really really liked it. I was getting pretty fair battery life. I could go a whole day with moderate use on my battery, very few problems, or random reboots.
I was really interested in going to GB becuase of the newer radio. I started out with the MR2 and BAMF Ginger remix #6. I noticed that the call quality which was usually poor in my living room was pretty clear on the 2 calls I made. I kept getting a few errors though that would pop up every 5 minutes or so. The next day the newer MR2 radio came out so I flashed that. Still getting the errors. So then I flashed to GingerREMIX v2.1. No issues after that. I also downloaded the SBP Shell 3D Launcher. It is sweeet!!! Everything is very smooth, fast, no reboots, no errors. I am thoroughly enjoying it. The only complaint I have is battery life. But I have yet to do any of the battery stat reset steps to try and improve it, and I am still using the stock battery, as well as I'm running 1.4 overclock and 4g constantly. I'm also avoiding using my wi-fi just because I like to see how fast my 4g connections is. I'm constantly streaming music from Pandora or the local radio station. I will work on extending battery life next. I also just discovered the Netflix App. Man is that cool! Really enjoying this thing!