Force Close on Email


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Dec 11, 2009
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I set up my Outlook successfully over a month ago and then yesterday, every time I tried to open an e-mail I get "Sorry! The application Email ( has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again".

Anyone else having this issue? I uninstalled and set up my email account again, but to no avail.

Thanks in advance for the help!
same issue

I am having the same issue. Email from my workplace is the only one not working. I'm using Microsoft exchange ouutlook at work. Everything sync'd fine in the beginning and then 12/15/2009 it started giving the same message. I tried resetting the phone...doesn't work. I tried taking the battery good. I even tried deleting and reactivating my email account and that same message comes up only when i choose an email to look at. I. Notice that my emails continue to download new with no problem...I just can't view them.weird!! One thing I did notice was the along the side of the emails it used to be red and now all my emails are blue on the left hand side when viewing the corperate inbox. If anybody has an answer please help...very frustrating
I realize this doesn't solve your problem (and you have my sincere sympathy). But it's problems such as this that led me to set up a forwarding rule for my corporate (Msoft Exchange) email from my Outlook account to Gmail. This effectively insulates me from the games (and incompetence) of the IT department in managing the corporate email. If the mail shows up in Outlook on my home computer, it makes it to my DROID where I manage it with "Gmail" rather than "Email." Works fine for managing meetings in the Outlook Calendar as well.

This approach may not work for you if your corporate IT department won't cooperate. Mine did. But I believe (based on very little actual knowledge) that they can block the forwarding function.

In general, once I found myself enmeshed in the corporate jungle of "Exchange" I've found that anything I can do to escape its tentacles is worth the effort.
My corporate email (Exchange ActiveSync) just started doing this this morning. I can get to the list of emails, but as soon as I choose one I get the Force Close message. WTF?
I am having the same issue. It just started after having the phone for a month. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hi, just wanted to let you know I solved my problem. In my case the issue was a particular email in the inbox on Exchange. The culprit was an email attachment. It was a tif file with Chinese characters in its name. This was from an Asia contact, so it was not corrupt per se, just caused the Droid to choke. I have seen this with Outlook before, so it was not a big surprise.

If it helps, this is how I went about fixing:

1. Create a folder that does not get synced with the Droid.
2. Move all the contents of your inbox to that folder.
3. Sync your Droid. If it syncs without a problem, your on to something.
4. Start moving items back into your inbox.
a. If you have an idea when the issues started, move all email that pre-dates the event first. This will save time and is a logical shortcut.
b. Sync your Droid. If you get all that email without crashing, again, your onto something.
5. Start moving smaller groups or one at a time -depending on your patience level. After each move, re-sync. If a corrupt - or merely undigestible - email is the culprit, it will crash at some point.

You can figure the rest I'm sure. Hope this helps.

My Motorola Droid just started having this issue. It will send and receive emails just fine but when I actually click to open an email it pops up with the "Force Close" Message.

Also, my GPS Status App stopped working as well as my Weather and Bluetooth widgets.
I am getting the same issue. Email was working fine for months on my Motorola Droid for my corporate email on Exchange, but suddenly about a week ago, opening emails started causing the email app to force close immediately (Msg: "The application Email (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."). It still downloads my messages fine from the server, I just can't open them.

If anyone has found a solution, please post it. Thanks!!
a different solution

I've had mine for almost 2 months and had no problem with 2 email accounts set up (work and Comcast) until a couple days ago when I started getting the Force Close error. After some research, there is speculation that it has to do with an attachment that is too large (don't believe that since I regularly get 5M+ attachments all the time) or a bad header. Anyway, the "fix" is to go into Applications and filter Running Applications, choose the email app and do a Clear Data. You have to then re-add the accounts. This worked for me, even though I had tried removing the account and re-adding it earlier. There must have been something corrupt in there.

*** edited *** I just followed the thread referenced (missed it earlier) and see that it has the same solution.

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Otaku's solution on this thread: worked for me after 2 weeks of no email.

This also worked for me!!!

I just went straight to manage apps, filter "running" and then cleared cache. Had to setup my account again, but that just takes 2 mins, and it's working again!

fix for crashing email - It's a .pub suffix attachment

As mentioned in the thread, the problem for me was an email attachment. (See above). I went to settings-applications-manage applications, go to menu and choose all and clear data. You have to set up your accounts again. Then, of course the machine will go and get recent emails again and the offending attachment. I stopped this by going to airplane mode. You have to somehow delete the offending emails before the app crashes again. I was able to get the app to run long enuf for me to find the email attachment and delete it. The offending attachment had a .pub suffix. Seems to work fine now. I wonder if there is a way to strip attachments like that before the get on the machine since I now know the ultimate damage they cause. Any ideas?