For those who have some question about the Mah of these batteries, for those who own them - there is a widget on the marketplace called Battery Monitor Widget by 3c06 .The moment you open this widget it tells you the total Mah of the current battery and how much Mah is left.
This could help to shed some light on the true Mah of these 1700 batteries. It is currently reading my stock battery as 1350 Mah. I am interested to know what these other batteries will read as.
Hummmm....I just downloaded this widget and ran it. It shows the battery as a 1350 mAh. I got the 2 x 1700 mAh with a charger off ebay. The company was cellitech or something like that based in california. I got a red battery and a black battery. They both have HTC on them and 1700 mAh on them and look official. I paid $42 in the auction. I wonder if the widget reads the phone and lists what the phone is supposed to have instead of the actual? I've got the 2750 mAh from verizon when I bought the phone but wanted to go back to the thinner side. I'm at work right now and will put the battery in when I get home and see what this widget reads.
That is very interesting. Maybe it reads everything at 1350. I thought this would have been a good way to solve this mystery - damn! I look forward to hearing what it says about your extended battery.
Well, just got home and popped in the 2750. mAh battery and the widget does show 2750. Makes me wonder if I just paid for a charger and a couple of stock batteries?