Foxfi working on this phone?

Yes, for an additional $20-30/month. Foxfi is free and was working on DroidX. I believe you can get free mobile hotspot with the new share plans, but I have an older 2GB/mo plan.

I'm not passing judgment of any kind on this topic.....but.....

With the unlimited data plans, if you wish to tether or use your phone for a hotspot you are required by your terms of service to pay Verizon $20 a month for doing THAT. Yes...there are apps that will allow you to do it without paying, but if you get's considered 'theft of service" and you can get your service cut and your account closed.

The new share everything plans do not required payment of additional fees for tethering or using your phone as a hotspot. My Razr M (like my D2G also) have hotspot capability built in and there is no need to run an app to create a hotspot. The only real reason to do so (on this phone) would be to circumvent your terms of service and get out of paying any required fees.
RazrMOwner said:
They are still charging me.

If you have a tiered plan then the hotspot is free. This was an fcc ruling that Verizon could not charge limited plans the hotspot fee. If they are still charging you then call them and tell them to remove the fees. Essentially it is illegal for them to do so.
Just got my Razr M to day and downloaded FoxFi and the FoxFi add-on. Also purchased an IPad2 WiFi and I have it working using FoxFi on my M.
Thanks Scott! This is good to know cuz I haven't had a chance to check this out yet.
I contacted Foxfi via email, and they notified me after a couple of weeks that it was now working. So I uninstalled and reinstalled Foxfi and it works now.

Thank you Foxfi!!!!
I contacted Foxfi via email, and they notified me after a couple of weeks that it was now working. So I uninstalled and reinstalled Foxfi and it works now.

Thank you Foxfi!!!!

I've been struggling with this issue and uninstalled Foxfi last mont. I read your reply and decided to try it again. After downloading and ibstalling it again, I get this message when I attempt to open FoxFi, I get this message:

"Checking subscription status"
"Your order could not be processed at this time"
"Call customer service"

Then it gives me a Verizon 800 number.
FoxFi/Barnacle/Mobile HotSpot

FoxFi was one of the first apps I installed last week when I got my Razr M (and I was still on my old Verizon unlimited data plan).
It worked perfectly.

I was going to use Barnacle, as that's what I used on my old Droid - but Barnacle requires rooting and SU.

A few days ago I switched my Verizon plan to a new 'share everything' plan (reducing my bill by $20/mo) and now the native mobile hotspot app is working, so I've uninstalled FoxFi.
FoxFi was one of the first apps I installed last week when I got my Razr M (and I was still on my old Verizon unlimited data plan).
It worked perfectly.

I was going to use Barnacle, as that's what I used on my old Droid - but Barnacle requires rooting and SU.

A few days ago I switched my Verizon plan to a new 'share everything' plan (reducing my bill by $20/mo) and now the native mobile hotspot app is working, so I've uninstalled FoxFi.[/QUOTE

Interesting....I thought I'd uninstall it, but then figured I'd try force stopping and clearing the cache. When I tried to activate the wifi hotspot, I now get this message: "currently wifi mode does not work on android 4.1 or above" Then, it suggests I use PDANet in usb mode (which isn't going to help with my tablet).
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I did my test before my phone updated to 4.1
Isn't USB tethering readily available and free even if you have unlimited data? Or has the USB tethering option been removed from the new phones? It should be under tethering and mobile hot spot.
Doesn't the native hot spot app require a monthly fee? Foxfi is 100% free. Btw, been using Foxfi for several months now and haven't had a single issue.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Foxfii doesn't work with Jellybean :(

My foxfii worked great until the update Tuesday night. When you go to download tells you that it will not work with Jellybean. Has anyone found a way around it??
Ah, jellybean. Hard-pressed to find anything to like about that OS.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
jashea said:
My foxfii worked great until the update Tuesday night. When you go to download tells you that it will not work with Jellybean. Has anyone found a way around it??

I did an fdr after the update and was still able to download it after the fdr. Not sure why you would be getting that prompt, unless maybe it's new in the past week. Try installing again. They just updated it recently where it is now compatible with Razr M.