I'd be interested in a poll that shows our members minute usage on average. I can understand folks that live in a fringe area that want a better overall connection. Aside from that, does everyone else want it because they are going over their current plans? I've got a 450 min plan, I'm currently 24 days into my billing cycle and I've used 71 min. My SO has 900 min and she's used 112 min. Granted, some months we "may" use 2 or 3 times that, but we've never come close to going over.
Now I can understand if you use your device for work, but I imagine the average user in this case already has a work phone, or they have a land line for work related calls. (Or you have teenagers at home, but even they text more often than not these days)
I guess I'm just surprised so many people are interested in WiFi calling. I think it would be an interesting poll.
S5 tap'n