Well I will say somethig about reception:
Lets rewind a few years back. On Verizon. I had a Motorola E815. I replaced that with the Samnsung u740/Alias. The E815 had better reception, worked underground in the subway tunnels, u740 didnt.
I 'm still on Verizon, went from u740 to Omnia 1. Still had bad reception, not working in tunnels, neither worked at my new job unless I went to the top floor near the windows in the hallway. I also moved to an area that I found out had bad reception...cuz my phone didnt work good at home.
Jump to now. Replaced the Omnia 1 with the Droid. My Droid I can use it on my floor (3rd) and at my desk. Its get even better when I go in the hallway near the windows on the 3rd floor. I can even download at my desk or in the hallway. (can only get 3G in the hallway tho; get 1x at my desk) The Droid works in the subway tunnels. I can browse the web and make/recieve calls underground.
Omnia didnt work in the subway tunnels, from day 1. u740 /Alias either; E815 did and Droid does.
Only difference? E815 and Droid is made by Motorola; Omnia, u740/Alias made by Samsung. If people are having reception issues, the actual phone does play a part. If u live/work in an area where reception is flaky, u will know by the brand of phone you use.
Now, the only way u can tell if the Incredible will have good reception for you, is to get it. Use it where u need it the most. If it works for u, then u dont have to worry about reception. If u live/work in an area with good reception, then u wont notice it. If u live/work in a area with bad reception, u will defitinely notice.
*I never used the Incredible, I'm saying if a phone has bad reception u will notice by using it in an area with bad reception*