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I just got it this morning!
So far it's super awesome and I'm having fun just messing around with it. I love the new landscape, keyboard, and 720p video.
WiFi is definitely better for me, too. I installed a repeater in my house since the wireless router is on one end of the house and I would hardly get a signal at the other end. It worked great with the iphones and my computers, but it seemed like once my dinc got to where the repeater signal was stronger than the base unit, the wireless would crap out. I would have to go back to where the base was, and stop and start the dinc's wifi. Don't have that problem now.
I've got a rooted incredible (no custom roms, just root access and wireless tether), and just started receiving the Verizon OTA froyo 2.2 update message. Do I need to restore my phone to unrooted status before attempting the update, or can I just install the update? Thanks!
the update will fail if you have clockwork running. thats what happened to me and my friend, and seems to be the consensus here, even though no one will tell you...had to ask plenty of times.
considering using a custom mod now that ive heard bad things about the stock update, what with bloatware and battery drainage and whatnot
Got my update yesterday morning! Everything's running smoothly so far. I love the new widgets! And the flashlight app is fantastic.
Anyone notice the status update on a contact's picture when you're in a call with them? Seems pointless but it's still awesome that it's there! LOL. The sensitivity on the trackball button is gonna take some getting used to, though.