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FTC-led Mobile Privacy Crackdown Could Spell Big Trouble for Google, Apple & Others

you're so parandoid it's sickening. have you ever lived under a different government? i bet you haven't! you should be glad that this government gives two shlts about you and makes your life as nice as it is.

That's the point though, this isn't a different government. This is supposed to be "the land of the free" (which clearly isn't the case anymore). And honestly, as of lately, the only people's lives that the government makes "nice" are the people who know how to cheat the system and/or people who do not want to work. I can't think of one single reasonable, middle class person who would possibly give any credit whatsoever to the government for the "nice" life they live. Our government is too power hungry these days and this is how they get what they want. While I do not agree with them wanting to do this crackdown as it is, what is even scarier is the thought of what will come next. They do it incrementally. The moment people start giving in to every little increment they come up with, that is when that sector/market/whatever fails.
Re: FTC-led Mobile Privacy rouble for Google, Apple & Others

We're not the Land of the Free when corporations can get laws passed on their behalf, regulating what regular people can do. It's the corporations that need to subject to the will of the people.

Tappin' and talkin' with Tapatalk.
OK...let me be the first to tell you, if you were alive before 9-11, YOU DID LIVE UNDER A DIFFERENT GOVERNMENT..period...

Next, the ftc trying to tell Google or anyone about privacy, is a joke...its like saying an adult can't have steak because a 2 year old can't chew it..they don't grant us any privacy..

conspiracy theorists weren't just full of it when they said..."saying key words like...terrorist, bomb, and other key phrases can get you monitored"....

And last but not least...any changes we allow to our freedoms is just plain wrong..any freedoms we surrender are freedoms our kids and their kids, will wish they had, and would have to fight to get them back..

Just my 2/100.
Re: FTC-led Mobile Privacy Crackdown Could Spouble for Google, Apple & Others

The federal government is certainly more vicious and bellicose than pre 9/11. I think the Net can regulate itself. It always does. People know how to be good digital citizens without Big Brother breathing down their necks.

Tappin' and talkin' with Tapatalk.
But that's the thing. In this instance government is trying to prevent others from monitoring your behavior on the net and collecting your information. I don't see how this could be a bad thing.

Am I the only person who understands it for what it is, government protecting your privacy? Just like they created do not call list so telemarketers couldn't bother you, I think this is a good idea.
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Re: FTC-led Mobile Privacy CrackdownTrouble for Google, Apple & Others

Because in this instance, it's not necessary. No one makes one sign up for a Google account nor dictate that they fill out their profile fully and truthfully. I think end users are smart enough to protect their own digital data in this case. What I would rather see is the government go after Facebook for eviscerating user privacy with the time line.

Tappin' and talkin' with Tapatalk.
We're not the Land of the Free when corporations can get laws passed on their behalf, regulating what regular people can do. It's the corporations that need to subject to the will of the people.

Tappin' and talkin' with Tapatalk.

To blame the corporations only is falling for the distraction
To blame the government only is falling for the distraction
To blame a political party is falling for the distraction
They are all intermingled together as 1, using distractions to keep we the people from seeing the truth as they indoctrinate we the people into falling into line.
I have seen we the people not only willingly give up their freedoms too often but at times demand they be taken away. This is so not the same nation, because we the people demanded it, it was when I was a teen and young adult . Giving, willingly, this form of censorship is just another example of the indoctrination of we the people toward allowing powerful corporations and government to be more, not less, powerful while our freedoms are eroded all the more.

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A Rezound phone was used for this Tapatalk post
Yes, it is all one thing. A huge, stinking, corrupt government that is being controlled by the wealthiest one percent, bankers and corporate CEOs. They have robbed the regular people of our pride, freedom and collective wealth over the past century.
This government is already to large...and it keeps getting bigger...and they don't listen to our wants and needs anymore.. they do what they want, exempt themselves, and try to rule us...

We need to remind all levels of the government that they work for us...nit the other way around...

We have a spending problem/income problem depending on whom you ask..well, if we paid them all 1$ more than minimum wage, and pay them by the hour...I think We'd free up a lot of finances.

This all being said...I'm shutting up...we're all teetering on the political arena...I'm about to censor myself lol..
Mountainbiker, silverfang, 94... you are all right in target. And given that corporations are seen as individuals in the eyes of government and have the means to have a voice (wallet) much greater than any individual is slowly going to destroy this country. This country is now &ldquo;we the corporations" and no more &ldquo;we the people." That the supreme court ruled this clarification to the fourteenth amendment in 2010 with barely anyone noticing or seeming to care is scary.

The problem is, how do we remind them? All they care about is money.

Many months ago cjm, dgstorm or cerealkiller (can't remember exactly who) posted a link to a very powerful and fascinating documentary that addresses this in a way that is very do-able for all of us. It is a 2 hour video that talks about the invention/possibility/reality of free, renewable energy and why we have not utilized this. The first part of the video details a scientific, historical, extra-terrestrial account of proof of the universal energy force (may seem bizarre or far-fetched to some but very interesting). The second part of the video talks about the world powers and historical events/entities in place that has set the stage for denying/preventing use of this free renewable energy source as well as creating poverty and building up to having one world power... it is very depressing, scary and seems hopeless. BUT THE LAST PART OF THE VIDEO IS VERY PROMISING... gives very simple things that each individual person can do to protect their rights, freedoms and get us back on the right track. It is an excellent video that I think every single person who cares, should watch... www.thrivemovement.com

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