I'm using Android Agenda Widget and love it. You can find it in the Android Market.
I loved that widget! But I can't get it to work no matter what I do ever since the update.....I emailed the dev, but still haven't gotten anywhere. It won't sync with the calendar. Only the corporate calendar....Oh well.
If you have any ideas, PLEASE let me know! thanks!
Hmmm... wonder if it's having conflicts with another app. I haven't had any problems with mine and I've got 3 calendars synced (including corp calendar). I've got version 1.0.3 running. Have you tried downloading the old version to see if it works for you?
I actually did try the older version and ran into the same issue. So, I'm guessing you're correct in that it's conflicting with another app somewhere. But I don't have much on my phone to begin with. So, I'm not real sure where to begin. I'm just going to stick with CalWidget for now, reluctantly. Thanks for the info