G Mail question

I think this is a magical forum. Look at all the problems tbhat magically go away as soon as someone posts about it!

Why? Just because some have issues and others don't? Most issues are OE....
I have 2 gmail acounts one was used for the phone setup the other i put in myself but i put it in the email part then i relized that gmail has its own part and put it in there and the mail came almost right away. make sure you have the email setup under the Gmail icon and not the Email icon

It's a tribute to the members here. Lots of knowledge. It seems they also like to help solve issues :)
What does touchdown do? Never heard of it before. I have no use for setting up the Yahoo. Verizon said something about if my other email os a corporate account I may need a different plan. Basicly another 10.00 per month. Not worth that for me when I can go online and check it. Thanks for everyones help. It is greatly appreciated.
What does touchdown do? Never heard of it before. I have no use for setting up the Yahoo. Verizon said something about if my other email os a corporate account I may need a different plan. Basicly another 10.00 per month. Not worth that for me when I can go online and check it. Thanks for everyones help. It is greatly appreciated.

Actually it's another $20/mo and No you don't need it to sync exchange email or any other OWA email.

Touchdown will work where the native app sometimes fails to deliver....
since we are talking gmail, here is my question. I understand that the droid has to sync to gmail, but is there any way to set up that gmail icon to have a log in or security type screen? I hate the idea that if someone steals my phone and gets into it, they have direct access to my gmail through the gmail icon. I'd like to have some type of security password or a log in when I hit the gmail icon just so people can't get into it. Is there any way to do this?