Well, I didn't start this thread to argue with anyone. As I said, I know people have had problems. I'm not denying that anyone has. It was my understanding that the problem lies in the method Samsung uses to calculate signal strength, whereby nullifying any comparison to other devices. If this is the case, then there are numerous people who have returned a device based on a "false" reading. I was curious as to how many people actually TESTED their phones by using data and making calls in areas that would typically be troublesome with other devices. That was the entire point of this thread. I get better signal strength in those areas, so I can't get Samsung and Google to address an issue that I do not have.
I understand what you are saying. And thanks, I dont want to argue either.
I am just a little disappointed in a few aspects of what is an otherwise great phone. And I hope the issues are software related and can/will be promptly addressed in an OTA. Because I seriously want to keep this phone, and need to see a fix before the 15th.
There is a ton of upside to this device, and while no device will ever be perfect, a comprehensive OTA, if possible, could make this device pretty damn close to perfection.