Galaxy SIII

I'm sure I'm going to get it but not right off the bat. I'll wait and see how the root/rom scene comes along. I'm enjoying my Nex too much to really care. I couldn't care less how many cores it has as long as it performs and has decent battery life. My Nex on liquid/imo180 is getting great battery life finally so I'm pretty content with the GN but I always like to have a new phone every 6mo or so.
I'm sure I'm going to get it but not right off the bat. I'll wait and see how the root/rom scene comes along. I'm enjoying my Nex too much to really care. I couldn't care less how many cores it has as long as it performs and has decent battery life. My Nex on liquid/imo180 is getting great battery life finally so I'm pretty content with the GN but I always like to have a new phone every 6mo or so.

See that's my issue, I also like to have a fresh phone after about 6 months to a year. It's an awful habit, I guess you could call it a habit. Ha ha. My friends and family think I'm nuts because I always want a new phone so soon after getting phone. :p