Super Moderator
I actually just returned my droid x because I like my Droid 1 better. The minor performance increase over my rooted Droid 1 did not justify the locked bootloader. Motorola's only reason for locking the bootloader is so they can withhold updates encouraging you to buy a new phone sooner. Isn't it odd that the Milestone is on 2.1 when the droid is on 2.2 being they are basically the same phone? It is because the milestone is locked and people can't put custom ROMs on it.
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Actually, they locked it because people were turning in too many phones they had soft-bricked and were too lazy or stupid to fix. At $500 retail value per phone that mounts up in a BIG hurry. If your theory was true then explain why the D1 got FroYo months(!) ahead of the DX.

And you can put ROMs on the Milestone. There's a project to keep CyanogenMod on the Milestone that's updated with every stable release. The reason why the Milestone is on 2.1 is mostly due to the fact that every area that got a Milestone got a different version of it.