Well I looked at what everyone did with kexec and the thing about getting the drivers running is that they're two different kernels which need two different drivers. Really though I'm not worried about that as much--someone else will figure it out as I have never written a driver in my life. My job right now is just getting a stable way to get a kernel running. kexec(8) can do it and has done it with every kernel update on my computers for the past six months. The thing about my approach is that its extendable with a config file that will load the new module that works with the new kernel (modprobe ftw). The current system works-ish in the sdk emulator except that the module is quite crashy. Radio works with the hack on the emulator. The issue is that we need to get motorola's drivers running on other kernels.
So to sum it up: kexec works its just a driver compatability issue.
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Yeah pretty much. That stuff is brutal to do and I really don't know if we can find someone willing. We can even have someone write a compatability layer.
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thisWith the possibility of another motorola ota update coming soon, I figured this minor piece of info might help. Someone mentioned a while ago that when motorola sends out these updates that the bootloader temporarily unlocks from being in engineering mode or something. I don't know much about cracking but I remember some people discussing the possibility of exploiting that hole. Whether its a feasible thing to do I have no clue, but maybe it'll toss some kind of hints out there.
I thought koush has a fix for the bootloader?? He selling it in the market for 2.00
Sent from my etcha-sketch
I thought koush has a fix for the bootloader?? He selling it in the market for 2.00
Sent from my etcha-sketch
Koush found a way to hijack into the boot process to load a custom recovery.
Little bit different...
This would be awesome.. the fact the Motorola locked this is ridiculous. The whole reason Android managed to grow so fast and that Motorola is even relevant right now is that they exploited the fact that Apple held 100% control over their device and they put out a product that the users had control of.