Giveaway Update


Premium Member
Premium Member
Sep 21, 2010
Reaction score

Just to give you guys a little update on the last few giveaways. The winners should've all gotten their items from the developers via email or refund via PayPal by now. I just got done sending out the activation codes and things of that nature to the winners of MyBackup Pro. There will be more giveaways this week, but there is one thing I need to address. The giveaway generates a lot of comments. Since I am the one running the giveaways, I don't mind going through all the posts and personally reading them and selecting a winner.

The problem comes when I get 20 PM's at once. I have quite a lot of replying to do on a daily basis between developers, winners, and threads. The thing to remember is that I don't ignore your PM's, sometimes it just takes me longer than usual to get to you with a reply. At one point I received 5 PM's from one guy within two days because he wanted his code right away, but that's just uncalled for. Please, just send one PM and end it there. Don't worry, you'll get your stuff.

Now, let's get back to the giveaways! ;)

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You may want to link to this disclaimer at the bottom of every giveaway. Just a thought. Thanks for the info. Looking forward to some hardware giveaways in the near future :)
Maybe you should re-pick the winners and give it to one of us patient users......
You may want to link to this disclaimer at the bottom of every giveaway. Just a thought. Thanks for the info. Looking forward to some hardware giveaways in the near future :)
I should.

Do you post the giveaways in twitter?
No, I don't have access to the DF Twitter account, but the post is always tweeted.
Maybe you should re-pick the winners and give it to one of us patient users......
I would, but I usually just ignore anyone after the 3rd email, or if their email annoys me. I don't have to give things away, I am doing it because it's fun to me and if anyone thinks its okay to be annoying about getting something for free, then I just ignore them.
I think it's very cool that you worked so hard to come up with so many prizes so that you could name so many winners. Most of the DF fans -- including plenty who didn't even win -- really appreciate what you did and recognize the amount of work that you put into this. There aren't too many other places that gives away this many quality prizes. Thanks!
Can you check your PM, I need you to send me the product code for CoPilot still. :)