Update Global to X
QuickClock is still not in market, however, it does seem to work, after some tweaking when I restore it from Titanium Backup. Fission Rom manager is also back now. I was able to get them back with Titanium Backup.
This is very nice. At the touch of a button I can install Liberty 2.0, or Fission 2.61, or Tranquility 3.70. I used Team Black Hats app to update to 595 leak of Gingerbread. It is so nice to have options. The phone flies compared to my Global. Faster than my Global, even with no overclocking done.
Instead of bringing the X down to Froyo to compare speed to the Global, I will wait for the Gingerbread release on the Global. (My wife does not like me spending all this time on the phones and I would just have to go back to Gingerbread on the X anyways).
Looks like I will sell the Global at this point, or keep it as a back-up.