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Ok, it sounds like you are having a different problem from the one I was having. I would get an error message in the gmail app.
I wonder if you have "mark all as read" or some other option in settings that's causing this.
Maybe the task killer is the problem. Perhaps the problem was occurring before the task killer for a different reason. Now it's happening because of the task killer? Many people, including me, don't think task killers are a good idea. Your expending resources to get rid of idle tasks that use no resources and you might be causing problems with phone functions. If you insist on using it, make sure that you have it ignore anything having to do with gmail and sync.
I have 3 ideas if none of this works for you:
1) use k9 to grab gmail or
2) factory reset, being sure to back up your apps first
3) get your phone replaced
That's cool, I'm really into email problems on the droid for some reason. There was one other thing you might check. In your phone's gmail app, go to the outbox and make sure there isn't something "stuck" in there that isn't sending. If so, delete it.
I just did some searching for this problem on google. Someone had luck deleting the gmail app's data (not just the gmail storage data). Another person had to delete facebook sync to make it work. Another person had to turn off gmail syncing and turn it back on again. Maybe one of these solutions will work for you. I found these by searching google for: droid gmail sync manually
i am having problems with getting my comcast outlook express emails consistantly, along with getting notifications of email, but no email on phone (only on PC)...even occasionally an email to comcast will end up in my gmail (and no one has my gmail address!) question after seeing so many people with email problems like mine is this - you said he could have his pop3 account (wold that be my comcast acct?) go directly to gmail.does that mean i could do this on my phone, and not have to give up my comcast acct or tell everyone to send me mail to my gmail acct?? that would be a good enough fix for me, if that is what you meant. thanks, birdy
If you do a factory reset, try just setting up GMail (nothing else) and see if it work. If it doesn't, then one more thing to try is to create a new GMail account (just to test). At that point there is something wrong with the phone, because you are right,, Gmail should work with this phone with no issues. If after a factory reset email is still not working right, time for a return or replacement.
I have a couple of gripes with the Android Gmail client (not being able to download some attachments, some emails cutting off, etc.). I hope they address these in an update. 2.x should have worked out all the email kinks by now...
Before anyone goes ahead and does a factory reset, make sure that the gtalk background process (it doesn't matter if the app is running as long as the background process is running) is not being killed by a task killer or something. It appears that the gtalk background process is actually what allows push to work properly.
My phone had the same problem with failing to send and receive anything on Gmail. The only time it worked was after rebooting and it only worked for about 5 minutes. The gtalk service and all gmail associated apps were not being killed by some sort of task killer, and I was about to give in and wipe everything.
I was about to do a factory reset but instead found a trick. I used Titanium Backup, but it might be possible to do this with the regular applications manager which is built into the app settings panel. I cleared the cache for gtalk and gmail services and viola everything was peachy again.
Thanks for your help. I didn't know gtalk service was crucial to the gmail push service. Probably wouldn't have found the fix without the forum help.