GNex Too Big?

I had the VZW associate bring one out from the back so I could put it in my pocket. It was much lighter than my D1 and wasn't as thick (D1 has a back cover) so the GN was less noticable in my pocket.

The true test will be how it feels when I'm wearing my skinny jeans! JK guys... I don't wear skinny jeans... out.
I have to disagree with most people here. I think the GNEX is slightly too big. I use a silicone case with it and it's just a tad bit too big.

This is a personal preference though. For each person it's different. 3 people have mentioned the phone "looks big" to me when they saw it, and only 6 people had seen it at that point. So yeah, it's a big phone.

That being said, it's much easier to view video/web pages through a slightly larger phone, so there are tradeoffs. When I go back and play with my Fascinate, it seems almost small.
I have to disagree with most people here. I think the GNEX is slightly too big. I use a silicone case with it and it's just a tad bit too big.

This is a personal preference though. For each person it's different. 3 people have mentioned the phone "looks big" to me when they saw it, and only 6 people had seen it at that point. So yeah, it's a big phone.

That being said, it's much easier to view video/web pages through a slightly larger phone, so there are tradeoffs. When I go back and play with my Fascinate, it seems almost small.

I picked up my OG after a while using my GN and boy is that OG screen small... brilliant but small. Until a organic LCD or whatever screen of some sort pops out or becomes a hologram the phone/device size there will be tradeoffs. For me coming from the OG so far the tradeoff for larger screen necessitating larger device is worth it. I can see though that some people may decide it's not a good tradeoff. Heck their are people who still like their flip phones and have no interest in a 'smartphone' at this time. I am using the silicone case which I think makes the larger size phone easier to handle even though the case itself adds a bit of size to the device. Would I want the Galaxy Nexus to be any bigger? Nope, I think it's right on the edge of... is it a phone or a small tablet. For me it's both :)
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