I got my "certified like CRAP replacement" today and it is bent. The keyboard it bent and the space between the screen and keyboard is over 1/8 inch on the lower left of the phone. I called them and they are sending another on Friday.
What is funny is all of the people that think that if they keep sending them back because of mysterious problems right out of the box. I am willing to bet, and pretty sure
, that there is a remark system that states evrytime that a customer does things like this. How many times does a customer think they can take advantage of a company? What happens is something like the little boy who cried wolf. I happen to have seen quite a few CLNR phones in my day, and about 95% of them look exactly like a brand new phone, and about 50% of them are brand new phones. Cellular customers are the worst customers in the world for expecting something for nothing. Always want free. You don't expect a free car from your gasoline company because you use their gas, do you? You don't expect a free pair of socks from Nike because you wear their shoes, do you? Maybe if everyone would quit trying to screw cellular companies, price plans might go down.