From, which is the authority on this:
I notice they mispelled misspelling.
Anyway, if you have to attack someone's grammar or spelling to try to win, you're argument is weak.
the main theme you should take away ,as someone pointed out,is that not everything is black and white.
in some cases, i would award a refund in a similar situation. others, i wouldnt.
in this case, i wouldnt. you were aware ,im sure, of the possibility of problems arising when getting your mother a phone like the droid eris.and as others have stated, "air plane mode" is only one example of how easily this problem could have been avoided.
despite all of this, the OPs attitude is what makes me so sure the CS agent did the right thing.
you are not entitled to a total refund. ignorance is not an excuse this time. and if you are too stubborn to accept the credit, and instead opt to be out twice the amount of the bill in etf, then you just convinced me even more that you deserved it.
Well, I would rule IN FAVOR of the guys mom. If you buy your mother a dog, so she feels better about living in that Assisted Living Apt you stuffed her into, and she gets a sign to go on her door, and around her back yard that says, "BEWARE-DOG MIGHT BITE!" then a month later her neighbors kid sticks his arm through the fence to tease the dog, and gets bit, who should reap the reward of the impending litigation?
(I know, you think it should be YOU!) lol
Just as ignorant as believing that EVERYONE who gets a cell/device is going to know how to turn off internal apps that draw (unbeknownst to the user) data. Its just wrong to hold her liable. Unless you're for a corporate-run nation, with no pulse, or heart...just automaton bean counters to keep score!
It wouldn't pose too much of a challenge to DISABLE the Int'l Cruise Ship feature, and set it up so that if one wanted to engage it, a message would popup, or get emailed, or text to the user telling them that they need to contact VZW to turn on that service. Or at least warn them that the rates are EXTREMELY exorbitant, and caution should be used.