The same as reaper keeper, I currently use
BatteryLife from CurveFish. I have no problems with it. There are some great things about this widget.
You can choose from 5 preset colors or you can use the "color mode" function to assign the "full", "medium", and "low" colors individually using a color wheel. You can also select what percentages activate the "medium" and "low" colors from any percent value.
The following is an optional on/off (controls the 2 below):
- Battery health (not to be confused with power remaining)
- "Charging info" (whether or not it is connected to a usb charger or computer)
Separate optional on/off (controls all 3 below):
- Type of battery
- Actual battery temperature (choose between fahrenheit and celsius)
- Voltage
I'm not sure how well this works for other Android handsets, but I absolutely love it on my Motorola Droid and can't stand other battery widgets. The only gripe I have about it is that percentages are only displayed in tens until you reach the "low" setting (I think), where they're shown in incriments of 5.
Best part, it's FREE!