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Good bye bionic

Edit: Also, my biggest issue with the whole "towers" defense (get it?), is my Rezound never ONCE dropped data OR calls. If it was TRULY a tower issue, then all LTE devices would suffer equally. It just doesn't add up....

And you're sure they didn't change the negotiation protocol for newer phones but since the Bionic hasn't had an update in about 6 months(I think) those benefits aren't realized. Of course, since everyone will simply say that the Bionic sucks you'll never be convinced. The point I'm trying to make is that even if you have 2 cell phones next to each other on the network, you cannot, and will never, be able to definitely prove if it was the phone or not. For all we know Verizon deliberately changed something that makes the Bionic suck JUST so you'll buy a new one.

Anyone ever trying to point blame at who/what the cause for the 4G issues is very ignorant of the actual demands placed on wireless signals in a nationwide network. I guarantee nobody in this forum has the necessary hardware to actually do signal testing and be able to prove that the phone itself is the issue.

Here's another conspiracy theory to think about: With all the BS going on, are you REALLY going to tell me that Verizon isn't somehow deliberately(or accidentally) making Bionics not work? What do they have to lose from you buying a new RAZR-M at full price? 90% of the people I know that have VZW won't go to AT&T, they'd never want to admit it was the network or something else that is out of their control.

PS - I've never had problems with 3G or 4G anywhere I've been.

Edit: This isn't any different than ICS coming to the Bionic. Who is to blame for ICS not being released? Feel free to back up your claims with solid irrefutable evidence of who is to blame, not conjecture and information "from a source at Motorola". I want hard evidence. You'll be hard pressed to firmly blame either side. We only have one side of the story.. we're customers that have been promised an update and haven't gotten it. The only people that likely have the "whole" story are maybe 5 in the entire forum, and they likely haven't told the whole story because you can't write a soap opera of drama in a small forum post. Not to mention they are probably sworn to secrecy.
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I recently FXZ'd back to .905 to wait for OTA. Of course this meant that I needed to reinstall all my apps, one of which is the Facebook app. I didn't install it right away and things were great. After I installed it I started having data issues so I uninstalled it and haven't had any issues since. Not sure if this may be the case for everyone but it my be worth checking, if not the Facebook app, perhaps another app could be causing an issue. I'd be curious to know what the ratio would be of users having issues vs having the Facebook app installed.
And you're sure they didn't change the negotiation protocol for newer phones but since the Bionic hasn't had an update in about 6 months(I think) those benefits aren't realized. Of course, since everyone will simply say that the Bionic sucks you'll never be convinced. The point I'm trying to make is that even if you have 2 cell phones next to each other on the network, you cannot, and will never, be able to definitely prove if it was the phone or not. For all we know Verizon deliberately changed something that makes the Bionic suck JUST so you'll buy a new one.

Anyone ever trying to point blame at who/what the cause for the 4G issues is very ignorant of the actual demands placed on wireless signals in a nationwide network. I guarantee nobody in this forum has the necessary hardware to actually do signal testing and be able to prove that the phone itself is the issue.

Here's another conspiracy theory to think about: With all the BS going on, are you REALLY going to tell me that Verizon isn't somehow deliberately(or accidentally) making Bionics not work? What do they have to lose from you buying a new RAZR-M at full price? 90% of the people I know that have VZW won't go to AT&T, they'd never want to admit it was the network or something else that is out of their control.

PS - I've never had problems with 3G or 4G anywhere I've been.

Edit: This isn't any different than ICS coming to the Bionic. Who is to blame for ICS not being released? Feel free to back up your claims with solid irrefutable evidence of who is to blame, not conjecture and information "from a source at Motorola". I want hard evidence. You'll be hard pressed to firmly blame either side. We only have one side of the story.. we're customers that have been promised an update and haven't gotten it. The only people that likely have the "whole" story are maybe 5 in the entire forum, and they likely haven't told the whole story because you can't write a soap opera of drama in a small forum post. Not to mention they are probably sworn to secrecy.

So I'm sorry, I'm just not sure if your entire post was specifically directed towards me or just the first line. And on that note, I'm not sure why you'd single me out here anyways. You must be new here because I have professed my love for the Bionic countless times and defended it to the death until it just gave up on me. Not once, ONCE I SAY, have I used the words "Bionic" and "suck" in the same sentence. So when you say, "you'll never be convinced," I'm not exactly sure what it is your convincing me of. I mean, guess it's possible Verizon is deliberately tampering with their network, anything is possible, but I highly doubt it. Too much at risk if people found out, which they would eventually. Personally I don't know enough about the correlation between specific hardware, internal coding and its relationship to the networks coding, but I do think that's what it comes down to. Which is, like jnt (I think) said, why OTAs generally help (or worsen) radio issues.

Sorry, I just have no clue why you quoted me specifically. I think you make too many assumptions with too little facts, about myself and smartphones. I feel like it would be more effort to sabotage certain phones, without interfering with other phones, opposed to trying to equal out the network. Or just as much effort to try and get the network working for that device. You're right about one thing though, nobody really knows.

Can anyone imagine a world where the Bionic didn't have data drops? Do you know how many of these things would've sold? Razr, schmazr, this would've been the flagship to rule them all.
My wife and I have bionics, both of us have constant data drops, we use wifi at home. We are also on the unlimited data so we don't want to lose that. But boy are we tired of the poor data connections!
So I'm sorry, I'm just not sure if your entire post was specifically directed towards me or just the first line. And on that note, I'm not sure why you'd single me out here anyways. You must be new here because I have professed my love for the Bionic countless times and defended it to the death until it just gave up on me. Not once, ONCE I SAY, have I used the words "Bionic" and "suck" in the same sentence. So when you say, "you'll never be convinced," I'm not exactly sure what it is your convincing me of. I mean, guess it's possible Verizon is deliberately tampering with their network, anything is possible, but I highly doubt it. Too much at risk if people found out, which they would eventually. Personally I don't know enough about the correlation between specific hardware, internal coding and its relationship to the networks coding, but I do think that's what it comes down to. Which is, like jnt (I think) said, why OTAs generally help (or worsen) radio issues.

My post wasn't directed at you, it was just directed at people that want to consistently blame the phone when you will never have enough information to definitively say that the phone has a hardware or software defect. I keep hearing people say that with each update things get better, but for others it gets worse.

I think you make too many assumptions with too little facts, about myself and smartphones.

I beg to differ. I don't make any assumptions based on trivial evidence like "I installed an update 40 minutes ago and I haven't lost data yet". How many of those people have backtracked on their comment 2 days later that it wasn't better? Nevermind the fact that some people install the update and start having problems. I don't make assumptions based on anecdotal evidence, I make observations based on all available SCIENTIFIC evidence. Unfortunately, none of us will ever have access to that kind of information. The only thing we can go by is what everyone else is observing, but that is hardly scientific evidence. Especially considering other people with other phones have had the same exact issues. Due to my job, I've had to learn (painfully) not to make assumptions without irrefutable evidence to support the theory. There hasn't ever been any evidence in the forum of the exact cause, only anecdotal evidence by a few people. Some have apps that tell them signal strength, but that's still not really strong scientific evidence. The cell phone isn't kept in calibration regularly and verified to not have issues.

I feel like it would be more effort to sabotage certain phones, without interfering with other phones, opposed to trying to equal out the network. Or just as much effort to try and get the network working for that device. You're right about one thing though, nobody really knows.

I'd normally agree with you, but again, I won't dismiss the possibility of companies being so corrupt as to do whatever it takes to make an extra buck from their customers. The thread discussing the Google vs Verizon update fiasco is mighty damning if it really is going on. But again, we don't have official statements from Google or VZW that these things are truely happening. I don't think anyone is deliberately trying to deceive anyone, but they likely are only seeing a small piece of the story. I prefer to reserve judgement for who is at fault for when official facts come out.

Sabotage doesn't even have to be deliberate. The best kind of sabotage is the kind where nobody suspects it. I will admit that I'm not a conspiracy theorist, and I don't believe Verizon has deliberately tried to make our phones not work as well as others. But perhaps they haven't tried to make them work as well either.

As an example, my router used to have a USB shareport feature. Basically you can use a USB hard drive as a shared storage space on the LAN. I bought it in 2010. What happened on January 1, 2012. A firmware update was released that only did one thing. They disabled the Shareport function. Then a week later the company had a press release that they were releasing a new family of routers that had an amazing new feature! It was called.. Shareport. I have since built my own router using pfsense. What did they tell the people that owned my router and updated the firmware blindly, then realized they couldn't access their drive anymore? "Our latest generation of routers are the fastest and most feature packed yet. Look for them in stores soon.". What kind of BS is that?

So no, I don't trust companies. Rarely are they concerned with their customer. All they want is profits. If they could sell you an empty paper bag for $100 they'd do it in a heartbeat.
BJLDroid said:
My wife and I have bionics, both of us have constant data drops, we use wifi at home. We are also on the unlimited data so we don't want to lose that. But boy are we tired of the poor data connections!

If I set my Bionic to LTE/CDMA, I get frequent data drops, and it doesn't seem to matter the strength of the signal.

Therefore, I've decided to just keep it set to CDMA only. It sucks since I'm gimping my phone intentionally, but it's better than losing data.

It's a shame about these data drops, maybe the ICS update will make it all better.