Section Twelve
try listening to Opie and Anthony on the Virus station.
you'll never go back to Howard. I've got old love for Howard, but I got sick of no more Artie. the show is dead, plus he's a hypocryte.
he says F-the FCC, but then promotes Obama. about promoting everything you stand against. later Howie...time to retire.
O & A rule.!!
I've listened to Opie and Anthony... they are not as good as Stern. Then again, we all have our own opinions.
However, O&A typically do things the Stern Show did YEARS ago. If it wasn't for Stern, people like O&A wouldn't be doing what they do now. When Stern left terrestrial radio, I listened to O&A and while I was entertained, it just wasn't the same. Then their ratings eventually led to the production stations not even fighting for them. Like they did for Stern for so many years.