Goodies from other phones, For the Droid and us.!


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2010
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This thread is a continuation of

These APKS will work on BOTH rooted and unrooted android phones..

This is where I'm going to keep a running list of all the apks that are known to work and not work on the motorola droid, from the system.tar files of other android phones..

-Download and uncompress one of the system.tar
-look in app folder of what you just uncompressed
-install apks from folder and see what works and what doesn't
-to install apks be sure "Unknown Sources" is checked in settings/applications
-post results here

System tar's currently uploaded:
Motorola Motoroi -- Abreviated as [MM] in below list..
HTC Desire -- Abreviated as [D] in below list..
HTC Dragon -- Abreviated as [DG] in below list..
HTC Hero -- Abreviated as [HERO] in below list..
Motorola Backflip -- Abreviated as [MB] in below list..

HTC INCREDIBLE -- Abreviated as [IC] in below list..

English Milestone -- Abreviated as [EM] in below list.. [UPLOADED LINK BELOW]
APKS that install and run smooth and actually work will be highlighted in GREEN..

Quick Office -- [D] -- lets you browse SD Card and open txt documents, just like built in on but it actually opens and lets you browse instead of having to browse with another file explorer and selecting to open with quick office..

File Mananger -- [MM] -- small SDCard file explorer

Firewall -- [MM] -- its a SMS and Call blocker for people you place on a blacklist, installs and is believed to work, please post if you can confirm either way but it seems to be working fine as far as i can tell..

Notes Widget -- [MM] -- nice simple looking notes widget lets you put a sticky looking note ont eh home screen..

Slide Show Widget -- [MM] -- creates a 2x2 widget on your homescreen much like the photo frame widget, but it scrolls through all the pictures in the folder you select..

World Clock Widget -- [MM] -- Nice looking Digital clock widget, capable of showing times from around the world.. [duh.. lol]

YouKu -- [MM] -- basically korean version of youtube..

Video Player Moto -- [MM] -- video player said to work very nice, please post your thoughts on it here..

APKS that install and have some positives and negatives [basically the middle ground between not working and working..] will be in BLUE..

Flash Player -- [D] -- its only flash light, it installs but I can't seem to get it to work..

SDK Setup --[D] -- not real sure what this does, but it installs

Teeter -- [D] -- fun little game to play.. Color is off on droid, probably can be fixed if we edit the colors.. So it has some potential..

Audio Effect -- [MM] -- Intalls and will ONLY work if you edit other files on your droid first..

Camera/Camcorder -- [MM] -- installs and camera FCs but camcorder part of it seems better than stock version..

Cam Page -- [MM] -- Another camera, not sure on its intention though, and takes a nice looking picture but FCs after taking it.. might be able to fix..

Dock -- [MM] -- similar to stock dock app, but has a different color background and its in korean..

APKS that either wont install or run or FC will be highlighted in RED..

Android Notes -- [D] -- nice little note pad for your Droid, has nice features but you can't write any notes, hopefully fixed through a hack, soon

Biz Card Reader -- [MM] -- and has functionality except when trying to take a picture of a business card..

Launcher -- [MM] -- wont install, but has nice wallpapers in res/drawable-1680 folder of apk..

Moto Switcher Input Method -- [MM] -- intalls but wont work FCs

Music -- [MM] -- new look but doesn't run... yet..?

FM Radio -- [MM] -- FCs being worked on over at alldroid, hopefully they can get it working soon.!!


For indivual Apk downloads click HERE..

Motorola Motoroi system.tar

HTC Desire system.tar

HTC Dragon system.tar

HTC Hero

Motorola Backflip

English Milestone - apps only


I am not responsible for any damage you may do to your Droid, anything you do including installing "non-Market" apks is entirely up to you and at your own discrestion..

Also do not try to flash any of these systems to your droid, they will not work..

**Credit for modified bootanimaiton_edit, _blue, _red goes to MjJones1052**

**Credit for modified bootanimation_HelloDroid goes to pandroid**
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Working on uploading as many system.tar as i can..

Uploaded all that i currently have saved onto *********** click HERE to download [BE SURE TO GO TO SUB FOLDER]

Rename to before applying to phone, I have them named this way so you have a general idea of what to expect in the bootanimation..

**All credit for these go to their original Devolpers, I don't take any credit for them, I just wanted to provide them for anyone who wants them, if you want yours removed please PM me or post here, i'll take it down no questions asked, i'll understand..**
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cool, looking good.

You can update the camera app to to the following:

Camera.apk installs a new camera, with a new icon, and a camcorder. Camera force closes but the Camcorder works fine..except for the "picture mode" option.
So..install camera.apk then uninstall the new camera. That leaves you with the functional camcorder, with flash and GPS tag and custom tags.

I looked at the fmradio.apk tonight.
It force closed. Looking into system.tar I found some other pieces of it:
copied and chmod 755 fmradioserver to /system/bin
tried to run it and it complained of missing libraries.
copied and chmod 644 the following 3 files to /system/lib

tried to run again from Terminal Emulator. It did something but what I do not know. Tried to run the installed FM Radio app and it forced closed still.
Just a suggestion, put the Green ones, then the blue, then the red. That way its working, halfway, not working. Sorry, I'm OCD about these kinds of things :)
cool, looking good.

You can update the camera app to to the following:

Camera.apk installs a new camera, with a new icon, and a camcorder. Camera force closes but the Camcorder works fine..except for the "picture mode" option.
So..install camera.apk then uninstall the new camera. That leaves you with the functional camcorder, with flash and GPS tag and custom tags.

I looked at the fmradio.apk tonight.
It force closed. Looking into system.tar I found some other pieces of it:
copied and chmod 755 fmradioserver to /system/bin
tried to run it and it complained of missing libraries.
copied and chmod 644 the following 3 files to /system/lib
tried to run again from Terminal Emulator. It did something but what I do not know. Tried to run the installed FM Radio app and it forced closed still.

sounds promising i posted and quoted you in the alldroid FM devolopment thread this could help.. :icon_ banana:
Just a suggestion, put the Green ones, then the blue, then the red. That way its working, halfway, not working. Sorry, I'm OCD about these kinds of things :)

And keep each section in alphabetical order?
If we have many system.tar's I think it would be nice to have something like this too:

nameofapp.apk - (Motorola Motoroi - 2.0) description and/or notes

That way we know what version of Android it came from as well as the phone it was originally for.

Also right up top it would be nice to let folks know these work for rooted and unrooted phones and that the phones "settings/applications/unknown sources" needs to be checked off.

Headed to bed!

Anyone know in Terminal Emulator how to get the pipe symbol? |
eg: ps -ef | grep fm
GREAT IDEA! Will you please alphabatize them as well? Thanks :)

alphabatized as asked..

when i add other apks from other systems should i keep all the apks alphabatized or leave them in alphabatized groups?

ex. all motoroi apks alphabatized, then all of say htc eris apks alphabatized, keeping all the motoroi apks separte from the htc apks

Marketplace has three working versions of the biz card reader under the name camcard. Two are paid versions and one is lite. Other than language, the description doesn't state differences.
GREAT IDEA! Will you please alphabatize them as well? Thanks :)

alphabatized as asked..

when i add other apks from other systems should i keep all the apks alphabatized or leave them in alphabatized groups?

ex. all motoroi apks alphabatized, then all of say htc eris apks alphabatized, keeping all the motoroi apks separte from the htc apks

Either way. I think I'd rather see 3 camera's all next to each other with the phone brand designation next to it how you did.

With the camera maybe add (install camera, uninstall camera and you still have a functional camcorder in addition to your stock one)
Wall loaded fine but had no effect. It rang as normal when I called
from blacklisted #