[APPS] Google+ 3.5.3 - Blacked Out and Transparent (updated -Feb. 16th 2013)

Yeah I saw that... but the stork version works in the areas that I'm getting fc's...
Sorry B, had to quote ya - let me know when the stork version is done :crazy:

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Sorry B, had to quote ya - let me know when the stork version is done :crazy:

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

I didn't even catch that! Haha!

This thread has been Thunder struck!!
Hahaha... it's a special release that drops babies off.... lol... stupid auto correct anyway..... :)

Sent from my DROID using DroidForums
OP updated to version 2.1.... enjoy!

Sent from my DROID using DroidForums
OP updated to version 2.1.1
Installing now!

Sent from my TB using Red Xparent DF ;)
Tried installing, keep getting "Application Not Installed " Am I doing something wrong? Help! :)

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums
Make sure you uninstall your old one first

Sent from my DROID using DroidForums
Let me know.... ;)

Sent from my DROID using DroidForums
Yay, it worked perfectly! Thanks B-Boy! Looks fantastic. Love it!

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums
Good good.... glad ya like it.. :D

Sent from my DROID using DroidForums
It seems that I can't share/post pictures. The pictures are there, I can choose but there is no post/share option. Am I missing something?

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