google app market now called "Play Store"?

mine is still the same green bag

Same here. I just opened the Market and it asked if I accepted the Play Store terms. No change that I can see, even after rebooting.

It wasn't until evening that I got a text saying that I would be getting it in a couple of days.

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For those that wonder about the name or are dissatisfied with how this launched, Dan Morrill of Google had a post about the Android Market evolution on Google+. Here is his link if you care to read it: . Follow Android Developers, Google, Play Store or whatever trips your trigger on G+ and you will have a lot of the info as it prepares to launch or as it breaks.
I guess they'll call Gmail Play Mail.

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I tried the link but my stupid phone fails the download every time...can't download anything through the browser. I'll just wait.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus