Operating system (e.g. WinXP): Actually: Android Gingerbread, Droid Bionic, Version: 2.3.4
Program and version you use to access Google Calendar (e.g. Internet Explorer 7 or Outlook 2003): Calendar (came on phone; build version 2.3.4)
Any Sync software you're using or have used (e.g. Google Calendar Sync): none that I know of...normal updating set to PUSH with no data controlling or limiting programs running.
If you're using the non-Apps version of Google Calendar (accessing from or you're on Google Apps: Calendar App that will not allow uninstall and does not have installation from market either (at least I did not find any app named Google Calendar in the market).
If you have any Labs (and which ones) or Offline enabled: no labs in google calendar are running.
Some appointments show up (not PUSH like, much later). Some do not show up until I hit sync under accounts. Under accounts I click on my primary (and lone) gmail account. I hit the bottom left button and "Sync now" shows up. Everything "syncs" (Docs/Books/Contacts/Gmail) and all dates show a very current date and time (as of writing this they say 09/26/11 10:55 PM).
Except the bottom "Sync Calendar" line. It shows 09/12/2011 4:56pm. The small circle that normally shows traffic/syncing is there but is not rotating. It remains there and never goes away and is not rotating. The green check IS checked so it should sync but doesn't work right.
Battery mode is set to custom: during day it doesn't let data rest at all. after 12am to 4am it does slow it down. Data saver has been on and off. Neither has an effect on this situation. Data Delivery: enabled and disabled. WiFi on and off, Both on and both off. One on and one off. Tried every configuration I can think of and none has any effect on the calendar syncing issue yet.
Social applications: Sync over Wi-Fi only is checked (but I have tried is unchecked)
Data Delivery frequency (something I thought might have an issue with this problem) is set to PUSH (instant)!!! UGH!!!! It DOES push my gmail normally but does not SYNC calendar regularly or dependably!
System updates: your device is up to date!
System version: 5.5.886.XT875.Verizon.en.US
BaseBandVersion: (can give if needed) Webtop: (can give if needed) Kernel: (can give if needed), weird is says "hpn683@il93lnxdroid29 #1"....that's weird kernel version info...
Not that this should matter but, never rooted or "played" with the phone outside Verizon's sandbox in a none conventional and Verizon happy way.
IF I come and hit sync, it seems that appointments DO show up, but the date of sync NEVER updates and the sync symbol never goes away from the Calendar line next to the green check mark.... Calendar entries however they are NOT showing up on their own on a dependable level.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Program and version you use to access Google Calendar (e.g. Internet Explorer 7 or Outlook 2003): Calendar (came on phone; build version 2.3.4)
Any Sync software you're using or have used (e.g. Google Calendar Sync): none that I know of...normal updating set to PUSH with no data controlling or limiting programs running.
If you're using the non-Apps version of Google Calendar (accessing from or you're on Google Apps: Calendar App that will not allow uninstall and does not have installation from market either (at least I did not find any app named Google Calendar in the market).
If you have any Labs (and which ones) or Offline enabled: no labs in google calendar are running.
Some appointments show up (not PUSH like, much later). Some do not show up until I hit sync under accounts. Under accounts I click on my primary (and lone) gmail account. I hit the bottom left button and "Sync now" shows up. Everything "syncs" (Docs/Books/Contacts/Gmail) and all dates show a very current date and time (as of writing this they say 09/26/11 10:55 PM).
Except the bottom "Sync Calendar" line. It shows 09/12/2011 4:56pm. The small circle that normally shows traffic/syncing is there but is not rotating. It remains there and never goes away and is not rotating. The green check IS checked so it should sync but doesn't work right.
Battery mode is set to custom: during day it doesn't let data rest at all. after 12am to 4am it does slow it down. Data saver has been on and off. Neither has an effect on this situation. Data Delivery: enabled and disabled. WiFi on and off, Both on and both off. One on and one off. Tried every configuration I can think of and none has any effect on the calendar syncing issue yet.
Social applications: Sync over Wi-Fi only is checked (but I have tried is unchecked)
Data Delivery frequency (something I thought might have an issue with this problem) is set to PUSH (instant)!!! UGH!!!! It DOES push my gmail normally but does not SYNC calendar regularly or dependably!
System updates: your device is up to date!
System version: 5.5.886.XT875.Verizon.en.US
BaseBandVersion: (can give if needed) Webtop: (can give if needed) Kernel: (can give if needed), weird is says "hpn683@il93lnxdroid29 #1"....that's weird kernel version info...
Not that this should matter but, never rooted or "played" with the phone outside Verizon's sandbox in a none conventional and Verizon happy way.
IF I come and hit sync, it seems that appointments DO show up, but the date of sync NEVER updates and the sync symbol never goes away from the Calendar line next to the green check mark.... Calendar entries however they are NOT showing up on their own on a dependable level.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums