Disappearing Calendars
I had meant to get back to you when you first posted & got sidetracked. It seems to me you might have another problem simply because you can actually get your calendars to sync manually. I could not. However, I will tell you what I went through before I wrote the Forum & maybe something will trigger another path for you to explore.....
1. I use Google Calendar on my laptop, Business Calendar App on my RAZR.
2. Checked my laptop Google Calendar. All is good. At least I haven't lost any appointments forever.
2. I had recently received an update to the System Version on my phone. That MUST be the problem! So, I have to figure out what THEY did....
3. Tried manual sync. Same 2 calendars still missing.
4. Maybe sync settings got reset somehow? No, the settings are correct on both laptop & phone.
5. Suddenly remembered I hadn't checked Google Calendar on my phone to see if the calendars are there, or maybe the sync settings there were had been changed. All looked right, but the calendars did not show up in the Google Calendar app, either.
6. During all this, I was also doing internet research & had found it was had been a battery saver problem back in 2011. I had tried a couple of battery savers on my old Droid, but hadn't used them. I use Timeriffic at night to shut everything down. That's the only app that did anything with saving battery power that I had brought to the new phone.
7. EXCEPT, I had forgotten about Smart Actions, which would have been helpful to automatically shut everything off in specific locations. However, that only works if you have GPS running. At least, I that's the only time it seemed to work for me. So, not very useful. I just put Smart Actions totally out of my mind.
That's the end of my saga. I hope there's something in there that triggers a new path to a solution for you. Good Luck!!