Google Maps Update

Finally got some time to play with this.

Just uninstalled Street with TI Backup, rebooted and dl'd the new Street View from the market. Installed (this time) without issue.

No need to use the emulator and SU commands.
^pegman is impressive huh?

Pretty cool. Just took a little virtual walking tour of the outside of the local train station and the sun isn't even up yet. Not too shabby at all.

Not sure how much I'll use it. Wait, maybe I can convince the wife to go to a virtual beach this weekend?

Na - no skimpy swim suits with this app. Need to see those in person!
I don't know if I will use it much either, but as Cakes would say it is more :bling: to show off
I don't know if I will use it much either, but as Cakes would say it is more :bling: to show off
saph 1.1.1 ...

Cant get this, I had street.apk in system/app, but no maps.apk ...

the 4.5 installed yesterday for me with no issue, but the street view will not.

Renamed street.apk in system/app to .bak and rebooted, then tried to install ...

Whoopps! Wait a sec, looks like it just installed, don't know what happened there ... :)

Will now delete the .bak I made ... (This is what occurs when you are posting what you are doing while doing it eh? Begns working!!!!!)
Street View on Google Maps

This morning I was browsing the market for anything that might interest me, and came across the app Street View for Google Maps by Google Inc. It struck me as odd, seeing Google Maps already has Street View in it.. Looking into the details, it does exactly what Street View already does, and it only works in Google Maps... So what's the deal? Doesn't it seem a little pointless? Am I missing something?
It's a new version of street view where you can fly around and you don't have to click on the arrows anymore. Check out the new Google maps update video and you will see what I'm talking about...[video=youtube;KZ2_7bKlcvI]]YouTube - Street View on Google Maps: Smart Navigation[/video]
Huh. Thanks for the quick response, and not making me feel like an idiot. Now I'm downloading it :p
No problem, You have to feel sorry for people that are rude on Forums, their life must suck...
