quick question..do we have to be rooted?
the reason why I asked is because I am not...and I renamed the file to the .apk and its not installing for me...
I used astro to edit from .mp3 to .apk and when i click to "open app manager" its a blank sheet with no install button.
Yes, i believe you need to be rooted for this to work.
You have to delete your stock music apk from /system/app BEFORE you install the new one. If you have already installed the new one just uninstall and reinstall, then go back into your account sync settings and re enable the music syncing.
Then go into the jumpertest program, go to the preferences tab make sure your gmail address is there, if not go to the accounts tab, click on your name and then make sure in your notifications bar that you have given permission for music to sync.
Go to the controls tab after you have given permissions and your email is under preferences, (Leave debug mode ON) click on start peer, and as long as it doesn't FC then click on import local media.
In your music program now under library you can select streaming or local as options to view.
It matters because as far as I know, and I could have missed it, no one has talked about it on the thunderbolt.
Might be because it's not a TB app only...
I dont know if you were trying to be mean or supportive, but either way thanks.
so i renamed/installed fine, music program works fine, but looking @ that link posted above for instructions, I have no google sync under settings and also no jumper program...
Did you delete your original music app first? I don't know why jumpertest wouldn't show up it's part of the app when it installs. It would install completely or fail.
I keep getting a FC every time. :/ Whacky!
Edit --- I think I'm not letting it sync. Waiting this time
You have to delete your original app first otherwise guaranteed to FC. Read the above instructions in this post.
One question and maybe I missed it but where on the cloud is it stored? Can I find it under my google account via PC? One thing I hate is losing my running playlist on my phone every time, unless I have root.
It's magical.
There is no way to get to it on your pc yet, or manage it. Google hasn't officially released it yet, and i don't think they would let us sync if they weren't wanting us to. I bet they are letting the 'dev' community to slowly push the system and see how it works.
This isn't like wow amazing, but if you are always going to be in an area with good signal you can load up your droid with a lot of music, let it sync and then pull the music off to save space and it will still be available. Worth playing around with i think. Cant wait till it's officially out there, I've heard it's getting delayed due to legal music copyright stuff.... but with delays we know nothing is official until it is official.